Q and A


How can I lower viral load without HIV treatment?

My CD4 is 545 but my viral load is 26,645. What can I do to lower it without taking treatment?


The only proven way to significantly lower viral load is to use HIV treatment.

This will also increase your CD4 count.

Other healthy lifestyle changes are good for other reasons but they are not able to reduce viral load.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Vusumzi,
    The only proven way to significantly lower viral load is to use HIV treatment (ART). If you start taking ART it will mean your viral load will drop dramatically. You can read more here in ART in Pictures.

  2. vusumzi

    what can i do to lower my viral load

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Subhash,

    The only way a person can reduce their viral load is with ARVs. Therefore, if you want to control your ARVs you’ll need to be on meds.

  4. subhash

    how can i reduce my viral load naturally<

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Amos, usually viral load should become undetectable after the first few months. Sometimes this take longer if it was very high when you started treatment. Please talk to your doctor about why you are still detectable. This guide explains options in more detail, including to change treatment:

  6. amos

    I been taking hiv treatment for 2 years but my viral load is still 500. Is this normal or do I have to change my tablet?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lerato,

    Its now recommended that everyone who is positive should be on meds, This is even for people who have a CD4 above 500. Being on meds will allow you to control your HIV as well as reduce the risk of transmission to other. For more info about starting meds, please see here:


  8. Lerato

    I was diagnosed in 2006. Not yet started treatment. In 2014, my viral load was more than 50000 copies, and it drcerase in 2015 to 49000 copies and again it decreased to 39000 copies in 2016. My cd4 count always above 500. Should I start treatment now?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Generic versions of Atripla all contain 3 drugs. Eflaten is a generic version of this with just one drug changed for another. These meds can now be taken during pregnancy or by women trying for a baby. Originally alternative meds were recommended.

    Your partner can talk to the doctor about making sure his treatment keeps his viral load undetectable.

    Best wishes on trying for a baby. You and you partner can find out more about HIV and pregnancy here:

  10. lihle

    My partner is taking Eflaten treatment is it possible for me to become pregnant


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