Q and A


Which immune booster pills will decrease my viral load?

Which immune booster pills or herbal supplement can i take to decrease my viral load?



Booster pills and herbal supplements will not reduce your viral load.

The only thing that can do this is HIV treatment (ART).

Once someone starts ART, viral load decreases very quickly – within a month or two it should be under 50 copies/mL (called undetectable).

If you have already been on HIV treatment for longer than this and you viral load is not under 50 you should speak to your doctor or clinic.

They can help you work out why the treatment isn’t working so well. They can let you know what alternatives are available.

You can find information about starting treatment and information about changing treatment in our online guides.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dee, are you on treatment? and if so how long have you been taking it?

  2. Dee

    Hi pls assist I’m HIV positive my viral load is 2801 how can I bring it down.Pls help.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lucy, what have your recent viral load tests been? and there are other factors that can cause this e.g., recent infection/vaccine or a blip in your viral load. Sometimes this can also be a lab error. If this is a big jump in your viral load, often a repeat test is done to confirm the result. Viral load blips: https://i-base.info/guides/changing/blips

  4. Lucy

    Hi l am Lucy..l had been taking my medication very well since 2015..but on my surprise when l went for my blood results yesterday..my viral load was on 490..which l don’t know why it goes high like that.. please assist me if you can ..thank you..

  5. Simon Collins

    I Solomon, thanks for posting – and I am sorry you are still loosing weight.

    It is difficult to comment without more information, for example, to know how your weight and height and details of the weight loss over time – and what you would call your normal weight.

    I’d also need to know your CD4 count and viral load history – this is when you were diagnosed and now. I am not a doctor but I can help with information. It is also okay to send this by email to:

    What does your HIV doctor say about this? They will have your history and need to be taking the weight loss seriously.

  6. Solomon

    Iam solomon been taking for a year but still losing weight we I as they say I came lake need help. As how will it take to be better cause I started to be sick after teatment

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Candy, thanks, but the meds are meant to make your viral load so low that it becomes undetectable. Dp you mean your CD4 count? This is the blood test that is meant to be higher.

    The meds should slowly increase you CD4 count becasue the viral load is now undetectable. This is even if your CD4 count was very low when you started treatment. There are no other ways to increase the CD4, just HIV meds.

    What is your CD4 count?

  8. Candy

    How can I boost my viral load.cause I do take my medication very well but still when I go to the clinic .they said it’s low..now I don’t understand.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sam, how long have you been taking treatment?

  10. Sam

    Hi I am Sam, I am hiv positive and my viral load is 2920, how can I bring it down, please assist me.


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