
My girlfriend wants a baby but doesn’t know i have HIV…

I found out 2 months ago that i am HIV positive. I have a girlfriend and we have a two year old child together. iI’m am scared that i might infect her because she does not have HIV and wants a 2nd baby. I don’t know what to do because she doesn’t know my status.



I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It is important to know that today you can still do everything you wanted to do with your life before you were diagnosed. There are also many couples like yours with one positive and one negative partner.

Are you on treatment yet? This is good for your health and can prevent transmission. If she wants to have another baby this is very possible. If you are not on it you would start treatment. After a few months the risk of her becoming positive will be extremely low – close to zero. At this point you can have sex without condoms with little risk from HIV.

If you want to tell her your status you can use this information. HIV treatment means that you can safely have HIV negative children with her.

It might also help to look up HIV organisation in your country. The can let you know about support groups and the kind of help available there.

You can find more information about being newly diagnosed on our website.

And more information about being HIV positive and having babies in the question we have answered before.


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