Q and A


What is Atroiza used for?


Atroiza is a combination pill than contains three HIV drugs. It is a generic version of Atripla.

It is mainly used to treat HIV.

However, i some countries the same drugs (efavirenz/tenofovirDF/emtricitabine) are used as PEP to prevent HIV infection.

This is not recommended in the UK or in other guidelines. which recommend different HIV drugs for PEP. This is because of concerns about efavirenz side effects in HIV negative people.

See: PEP, PEPSE and PrEP.


  1. anna

    Hi I’m. Hiv+ en my partner don’t know I don’t know how to tell him I’m scared I’m gona lose,wev been togeter for 3years now please help

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Victoria,

    Its very unlikely that the abdominal pain is due to the HIV. Therefore you need to discuss this with a doctor.

    The Atrozia is for your HIV and will help your CD4 to increase.

  3. Victoria

    Hi I was having right abdomen pain and I went to c a gyno and finding out I had fibroids so he refer me to hospital@the hospital they found out I’m HIV+and 3cyst on my left abdomen so my cd4 was 68 the discharge me told me to go and initiate haart so I went to the clinic on the 2nd of may 2018 I started my arvs atenef 1st day it was hard cause the following day my eyes were red for 3days and became clear but the abdomen pain is getting worse during the day I must drink grandpa to take the pain away when I sleep and my body relax I can’t feel the pain but when I woke up it starts so pls help I went back to the clinic on17 they gave atroiza and trixazole I’m worried about the pain.

  4. Paul

    Good day
    I also use that drugs for me and my only wife we have same date for check up and we always take a treatment life,love is good for both of us.

    Yes..Jacob you can start consulting a counselor the they will tell you how it works don’t have fear brother protect your self while still living.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Allen, If your girlfriend is taking Atroiza and she has an undetectable viral load the risk to you is close to zero. You can read more about zero HIV transmissions in this report of the PARTNER study.

  6. Allen

    Hi my girlfriend is taking atroiza (m171) Nd my last test was negative am I infected? Should I be worried I’m scared to go for a test please help

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jacob, This is a frequently asked question. And starting treatment is recommended for all people who are HIV positive. When should I start treatment? is answered here.

  8. Jacob

    Good morning can someone get tested and he or she is HIV positive and at the same time start to use drugs.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mapule,

    If you have low blood pressure, this is something that you should discuss with a doctor.

  10. Mapule

    I’m HIV positive for twelfth months and I have a low blood pressure, I want to know how dangerous is this


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