Q and A


What is Atroiza used for?


Atroiza is a combination pill than contains three HIV drugs. It is a generic version of Atripla.

It is mainly used to treat HIV.

However, i some countries the same drugs (efavirenz/tenofovirDF/emtricitabine) are used as PEP to prevent HIV infection.

This is not recommended in the UK or in other guidelines. which recommend different HIV drugs for PEP. This is because of concerns about efavirenz side effects in HIV negative people.

See: PEP, PEPSE and PrEP.


  1. Dhilah

    Hi Iam from Tanzania my sister use this medicine but now she have problem i feel she want be crazy how can help her

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Loolpop,

    Do you mean you don’t wish to take Atroiza? But if you are taking the treatments well, why are you thinking of stopping? And what does your doctor say about this? Please can you discuss this with them.

    Some treatment for diabetes can interact with HIV meds. So it’s a good idea to ask about this too.

    Do you have access to your blood test results? Finding out about your CD4 count and viral load tests can help get your HIV treatment right.

    Please let us know your results.

  3. Loolpop

    I Started the Atroiza when I was pregnancy first time was dizzeness,fainted, mentaly control but after three months was work well although it make me tiredness but I wish not to take it as I am a Diabetic treatments too and taking well the treatments.

    My partner he knows that I am taking the medication but I usually encourange him to be tested as well because he know my status.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Fisani,

    Atrozia and Odimune are both generic versions of Atripla. Its completely OK to switch between them because they contain the same compounds.

  5. Fisani

    Can I take Atroiza tablets after using odimune

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Loveness,

    Your question is answered on your second comment on this Q&A.

  7. Loveness

    Why is the fingerTips paining after a few weeks of taking Atroiza?

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Gordon,

    Feeling tired and dizzy are reported side effects of efavirenz which is the main drug in Tribuss. Please see this link.

    Is it easy for you to access your doctor to report these side effects? You can ask to change treatment, especially as it’s having such an effect on your quality of life.

    If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign. They might be able to help with local support and information.

  9. Gordon

    Hi my name is Gordon i take tribuss iyooh i feel tired can’t sleep dizzy i don’t know if the doctor can change this medication please help

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lesego,

    Thank you for your story. It’s great to hear that you’ve recovered so well. Your HIV meds look like they’re working really well. Best wishes, Roy


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