Q and A


I am not on ARVs but gaining weight, what does this mean?

I tested HIV positive 2 years back and never took ARVs but I’m gaining weight. Isn’t it that a person with HIV should lose weight if not on medication?



Thanks for getting in touch.

Have you considered starting treatment? Treatment is also effective at preventing transmission of HIV if you feel that the other benefits are not appropriate for you at the moment. Please see here for more on starting treatment.

You are right that untreated HIV is more likely to lead to weight loss over weight gain. However, everyone is different and this does not necessarily mean that if you don’t lose weight you shouldn’t consider meds.

It’s also worth noting that weight gain can be unhealthy depending on your lifestyle and diet.  That’s why it’s important to discuss this with your doctor an they can assess why you are gaining weight and if that is good for your general health.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tom,

    To know if your CD4 count is increasing you’ll need to have a CD4 count test. Weight gain isn’t an indication that your CD4 is rising.

  2. Tom

    Hi, I am on arvs and my weight has increased from 71-79kg over 6 months,,, does this mean that my cd4 is increasing?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Emmanuel,

    People who are at increased risk of HIV are often given drugs that protect against HIV.

    Please can you check with the hospital and find out if they’ve given you PrEP? This is a way for an HIV negative person to use HIV drugs to protect against catching HIV.

    And all questions about testing and risk are already answered at this link.

  4. Emmanuel

    I don’t know what is happening to me Doc.i was feeling ill about 8 months ago with most of the symptoms of HIV (feverish,night sweats, ulcers in mouth, swollen lymph nodes,rashes on my head and the trunk of my body)I went to the hospital and requested for an HIV test and it came out negative.But since then I haven’t been feeling well at all.i went to another hospital for the another HIV test and they said I was negative but started giving me drugs that are HIV related..Doc could it be that I have it but they refusing to let me know my actual status.i have refused to take those medicine since it might actually let me test positive.i am really worried

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Luleka,

    Weight loss can be due to all sorts of reasons. If this is an issue you’ll need to talk to a doctor. Weight loss with modern ARVs isn’t common.

  6. Luleka

    Hi I’m taking ARV but I’m loosing weight what’s wrong with me

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Shakes,

    It’s a good idea to get another HIV test to confirm your first one. And how is your partner? Are they on HIV treatment (ART)?

    However, as Anglina says on this Q&A, it’s very common for someone to still be negative even if they have not been using condoms with someone who is HIV positive. Please click on the link and read more of Angelina’s answer.

  8. Shakes


    I have just find out today that my partner for 11 years has tested positive 7 years ago and we have been having regular unprotected sex for more than 10years. I am gaining weight every year. Currently weighing over 100 KG.I have tested negative when I took a life cover how is this possible. Made an appointment to be tested tomorrow for second opinion.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Karabo,

    No you aren’t going to die from missing a few weeks of ARVs. However, if you want to control your HIV you’re going to need to restart meds. If you were having issues with your meds, it may be worth talking to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to change you on to something else.

  10. Karabo

    Hi since the ARV ‘s were not treating me well i have for 2 weeks now stopped taking them will i die since ive stopped or if i go back to them will i still die


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