Q and A


I am not on ARVs but gaining weight, what does this mean?

I tested HIV positive 2 years back and never took ARVs but I’m gaining weight. Isn’t it that a person with HIV should lose weight if not on medication?



Thanks for getting in touch.

Have you considered starting treatment? Treatment is also effective at preventing transmission of HIV if you feel that the other benefits are not appropriate for you at the moment. Please see here for more on starting treatment.

You are right that untreated HIV is more likely to lead to weight loss over weight gain. However, everyone is different and this does not necessarily mean that if you don’t lose weight you shouldn’t consider meds.

It’s also worth noting that weight gain can be unhealthy depending on your lifestyle and diet.  That’s why it’s important to discuss this with your doctor an they can assess why you are gaining weight and if that is good for your general health.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cindy,

    Weight loss can be due to all sorts of reasons, if its an issue please see a doctor about this.
    With regards to your boyfriend being negative, if you’re on treatment and your viral load is undetectable you cannot transmit HIV to sexual partners. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  2. Cindy

    Hi HI I’m HIV positive buy my Boyfriend is Negative so is it possible.. And I’m on treatment for 1 years now but I’m losing weight l don’t know why please l need Help

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mtho,

    Weight loss and weight gain are due to a lot of issues. Being on ARVs may help with the weight gain, more so if you started meds with a low CD4 count.

  4. Mtho

    Hi, Im hiv positive and I was weighing 81 kg before I get infected and after testing my weight went down to 75 kg and I want to get back to my weight and I’m on ARVs. Is possible to get back to my weight

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lebo,
    An HIV diagnosis may be unexpected. Or may have been something you were worrying about for a long time. However, most people find this is a tough time. Here’s a link to the i-Base page about just finding out.
    But you could still be feeling well on this CD4 count. So thinking about starting treatment, if your doctor says it’s not very urgent, means you have time to consider aspects of treatment that are better for you individually.
    Here’s a link to Introduction to HIV treatment (ART). You can look at ART in Pictures too. This can help you understand HIV treatment.

  6. Lebo

    I have just found out that am HIV positive and my cd4 count is 281 am I at a risk !

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ienas, Do you mean your girlfriend is undetectable and taking ARVs? If so, then the chance is zero. But, as you have tested positive, it’s a good idea to get another test to confirm it. You might have to wait a few months for this second test. But the clinic can tell you when to get it done.

  8. lenas

    Hi my girlfriend she’negative taking Arv ,after six months I went for the test The result was positive. what are my chances to get infected

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi ????,

    If your boyfriends viral load is undetectable, you aren’t at any risk. Do you know what his viral load is?

  10. ???

    hello…My bf is HIV positive and I onli found out recently when I found his ARVS hidden in his bag I tested last year twice afta my window period and it showed negative… what are my chances of being negative?


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