Q and A


I am not on ARVs but gaining weight, what does this mean?

I tested HIV positive 2 years back and never took ARVs but I’m gaining weight. Isn’t it that a person with HIV should lose weight if not on medication?



Thanks for getting in touch.

Have you considered starting treatment? Treatment is also effective at preventing transmission of HIV if you feel that the other benefits are not appropriate for you at the moment. Please see here for more on starting treatment.

You are right that untreated HIV is more likely to lead to weight loss over weight gain. However, everyone is different and this does not necessarily mean that if you don’t lose weight you shouldn’t consider meds.

It’s also worth noting that weight gain can be unhealthy depending on your lifestyle and diet.  That’s why it’s important to discuss this with your doctor an they can assess why you are gaining weight and if that is good for your general health.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ruth,

    i-base are UK based, however everyone in South Africa is entitled to access ARVs. The best thing to do is to go to your nearest clinic and let them know that you’ve moved. They should be able to advise you. If you have any issues, please contact the following: https://tac.org.za/

  2. Ruth


    I’m HIV positive but I stop the medication cause I was talking it from other province so I’m I allow to go to the clinic where in living not in start taking ma treatment again

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Eugene,

    As Angelina says on this Q&A, It’s very common for someone to still be negative even if they have not been using condoms with someone who is HIV positive.

    However, has your partner had the diagnosis confirmed? If so, it’s a good idea to think about starting HIV treatment (ART).

    But can I ask how your partner is doing? Please see this Introduction to ART for all info about starting HIV treatment.

  4. Eugene

    1yr ago me my partner we tested 4 HIV n we wr both negative n nw we tested n she is positive nd am negative n we have been havng unprotected sex,,,so we r shocked cos how….are the results always accurate?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mark,

    As your viral load is ok, this means that your HIV is under control. Therefore, it’s very unlikely that it’s your HIV is the issue with your weight loss. Also ARVs don’t generally cause you to lose weight, if anything you gain weight.

    With regards to supplements please see Q13 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

  6. Mark

    Hi,Telle me if its OK taking supliments like Weight gains ( USN) while on ARV Treatment ?. The reason is that am loosing weight and when I go the doctor am told am viral load is OK only that its weight loss.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Prince,

    Weight loss can be due to a number of issues, as your HIV is under control it’s very unlikely that this is HIV related. Therefore, please discuss your weight loss issue with your doctor.

  8. Prince

    I m on arv treatment for 6 months now bt I m keeping loosing weight why ,,my viral load is undetectable

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ismail,

    I’m sorry to hear you were forced to have condomless sex. However, it is common for one partner to test HIV positive and the other negative. Please see this Q&A.

    But can I ask if you’ve started HIV treatment (ART)? The START study showed that ART has important benefits for your health, even if your CD4 count is still high.

    Please see the Introduction to ART. This guide includes information about the most important aspects of ART

    Having an undetectable viral load on ART will protect your girlfriend from HIV too, http://i-base.info/u-equals-u-qa/.

    Please let us know how you get on.

  10. Ismail

    I have never get into sex in my life,but unfortunately I was forced to have and unprotected sex,I’m sure that I’m HIV negative before but after 3weeks of the exposure I start experiencing symptoms I went to the test and found it’s reactive, after 6 weeks I tested with HIV type 1 then I took my girl friend and it tested negative how can this be possible? While I’m negative before and my partner is also negative? Pls explan


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