Q and A


I’m feeling ill and worried, will HIV treatment help?

I was diagnosed HIV+ earlier this year, CD4 520 and VL around 55,000.
My question is I’ve been feeling generally unwell all the time, feeling sick, indigestion every time I eat, severe muscle aches, headaches etc. I also sleep a lot. Throughout all this I’m still working and I work long hours but I’m really starting to struggle. I can’t afford to lose my job as before I was diagnosed I took on a large mortgage to buy my flat …… to be honest I’m scared if I get worse I might have to give up my job and probably lose my home. Is there anything I can do or medicine I could take to help make me feel not so ill? I start ARVs in a couple of weeks time.



Thanks for getting in touch and providing lots of info.

I’m sorry you are having a tough time. Have you told anyone about your diagnosis? Do you have anyone giving you support?

As we are advocates not doctors, we can’t diagnose your symptoms. They sound like they are affecting your normal life and you should speak to your doctor about them.

It’s great you are considering treatment (ARVs). Taking ARVs is the best way to treat and control your HIV. This will make you feel much better once you start and more in control of your own health.  You can even consider starting sooner and checking if that helps with the symptoms you currently have. Your CD4 count is still strong so once you start your health will be even better. Our guide on starting treatment has lots more helpful information.

Millions of people around the world are on treatment and living the full lives they want to. However, if you find that you are still struggling with other aspects of your life such as your job or housing there are other support services that can help. You don’t have to manage everything on your own.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sweetness,

    When is your husband due back in clinic? Did they discuss with him starting ARVs? Does he know what his CD4 count is?

  2. sweetness

    hi my husband has been diagnosed with hiv last week so we went to the clinic so he can start with treatment but he is coughing so they took his sputum to check if he does not have TB I am now worried about that he is not on any treatment yet bcoz we still waiting for results and he is so sick what can i give to him so long? I really need help

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Unknown,
    What meds are you taking? Most HIV drugs list nausea as a side effect but this is less common and generally mild and short term.

    Nausea (feeling sick), and vomiting, is quite common when starting treatment. However, for most people, this improves after a few days or weeks as your body gets used to the drugs.

    There’s more info in this guide to nausea and vomitingg. But it’s also a good idea to talk to your doctor about switching to different meds. However, there might also be an underlying cause not to do with HIV treatment. You can ask your doctor for a check on this.

  4. Unknown

    Hi I’m HIV positive and I’m on treatment for 5 weeks now. And I started it while I wasn’t sick having no signs. But now I can’t eat, vomit sometimes, always hungry even midnight I get hungry. I’m not sure wether they’re working or what and I’m weak but I’m gaining weight though my cd4 count was very low 212. I feel like I’m losing my mind help please.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Andrea,

    Being diagnosed with HIV can be a shock, and one that can take some time to get over. However, you’re going to be OK. HIV is no longer the illness it used to be. The medication is excellent, and with the medication you can expect to live a normal life and have a normal life expectancy.

    Being able to talk to someone might help, or attend a support group.

    Yes taking meds everyday can be an issue, however once you get used to it, it becomes part of your daily routine.

  6. Andrea

    I’m 37 years old and found out I had him in January 2018. I feel so depressed and not myself.i feel like my whole life has changed. Dam everyday taking a pill for the rest of my life.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nonhlanhla, Here’s a link to Tribuss and possible side effects. Feeling sick is not on the list, so it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor and ask what is causing these symptoms, especially if they continue.

  8. Nonhlanhla

    I’m on tribuss treatment and I always feel sick is this normal

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Shilida,

    Are you on medication? If you are how long have you been on it for? DO you know what your CD4 count is? When you say that you’ve been ill since last November, what exactly has been the issue?

  10. shilinda

    I’m hiv i had surgery on my cereblleum. An I been sick every since last November


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