Q and A


Can ARVs stop my skin becoming lighter?

Hi, I am hiv postive and nw i experincing skin changes – how can i cure skin changes my skin turn to be white. I am on arv for more than three years. Can arv can cure my skin changes or i mst go to skin doctor?



HIV meds have not been linked to causing changes in skin colour. So they won’t be causing this and they are unlikely to help reverse it.

This is something to talk to your HIV doctor about first. Depending on their advice, you might need to see a skin specialist.

Ask whether to not this might be vitiligo? This is where patches of skin become lighter due to low levels os melanin. See this information from the UK:


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mario, for information about testing and transmission please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  2. Mario

    I believe I had sex with someone that hiv positive I have a burning situation with my dick in booty in my skin seem to lightin up

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Edison, have you spoken with your doctor about what you could use? and do you know the reason why your skin has become darker?

  4. Edison

    I m Hiv positive my face coming dark I need lighter which oiment can I buy in pharmacy ,Thank u


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