Q and A


What are the pills marked with M171 and D100?


If your doctor prescribed HIV medication that looks like the pill in the picture and has M171 embossed, this is likely to be Tribuss.


Picture: Tribuss, manufactured by Aspen.

The picture is not very clear, but M171 is one one side and D100 is on the other.

This is based on the information at this website.


Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla and it is manufactured by Aspen. It is widely used in South Africa.

Just like Atripla, Tribuss contains three active HIV drugs – efavirenz, tenofovir-DF and emtricitabine.

Sometimes Tribuss is mainly used as an HIV treatment by people who are HIV positive. However, this is an older treatment that is steadily being switched to newer drugs in many countries.

Some countries use Tribuss as a way to prevent HIV after recent risk for people who are HIV negative. This way of using HIV meds is called PEP. Tribuss is not recommended as PEP in most countries though because of the risk of side effects that are higher in people who are HIV negative.

This answer was updated in December 2019 from an orginal question posted in September 2016.


  1. WENGA

    Hi there I just want to ask my partner is taking M117 and Perp and she never tell me anything about these tablets is it for HIVI positif or for protecting her from infection of HIVI?

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lorenzo,

    Please can you ask why the clinic told your partner she must wait 3 weeks?

    Was your partner taking Tribuss (M171) before she missed the doses? And is she taking them again now?

    Please talk to the clinic about taking M171. You can also ask if you should take PEP or PrEP, depending on your risk if you’ve not been using condoms.

  3. Lorenzo

    Hi! my partner is HIV positive she missed taking pills for a week and nurses at the clinic said she must come after 3 weeks. She suggested me to take M171 pill not to be infected. Is this true?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bongani,

    The medication that you’ve been given is a generic version of Atripla, please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/1561 When someone first starts, it’s common to having issues with sleep.

    Yes you can drink alcohol when taking ARVs.

  5. Bongani

    Hy 2weks back I found out I’m hiv positive and they gave me m171 and m feeling sleep less at nights and can I consume them with alcohol

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zakhele,

    The medication that your partner is taking is a generic version of Atripla. Its commonly used by a lot of people. If you want to know how long your partner has been positive for, the best thing is to ask her.

  7. Zakhele

    My partner is taking D100 pills and she just disclosed her status, i would like to find out if this kind of medication is for the first stage as she has just disclosed or she’s been on medication for long. Please assist im in love with my partner.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thobile,

    If your partner is on medication and his viral load is undetectable, there’s no risk of transmission. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    If you still want to access PrEP, please contact the following organisation: https://tac.org.za/ they are based in South Africa.

  9. Thobile

    My partner is positive I’m negative I’m looking for prep pills where can i find truvada pills I’m in Durban plz i need help i love him

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Loveness,

    As long your HIV is under control, there’s no risk of your transmitting HIV to your partner. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/ This means that it’s safe to have sex without a condom.

    With regards to having a child, its not possible to predict what a child’s status will be. However, if your HIV is under control, the risk is drastically reduced. Please see here:http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy


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