Q and A


What are the pills marked with M171 and D100?


If your doctor prescribed HIV medication that looks like the pill in the picture and has M171 embossed, this is likely to be Tribuss.


Picture: Tribuss, manufactured by Aspen.

The picture is not very clear, but M171 is one one side and D100 is on the other.

This is based on the information at this website.


Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla and it is manufactured by Aspen. It is widely used in South Africa.

Just like Atripla, Tribuss contains three active HIV drugs – efavirenz, tenofovir-DF and emtricitabine.

Sometimes Tribuss is mainly used as an HIV treatment by people who are HIV positive. However, this is an older treatment that is steadily being switched to newer drugs in many countries.

Some countries use Tribuss as a way to prevent HIV after recent risk for people who are HIV negative. This way of using HIV meds is called PEP. Tribuss is not recommended as PEP in most countries though because of the risk of side effects that are higher in people who are HIV negative.

This answer was updated in December 2019 from an orginal question posted in September 2016.


  1. LUNGY

    Hi can i transmit HIV when im pregnancy and what is the cause of that? I drink my pills everyday but my patner just found out he is positive, can that be true?

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sandy,

    Please don’t be scared for your life. There’s good news.

    It’s great your partner has started taking M171. This is likely to be Tribuss. This is a safe and effective HIV treatment (ART). The aim of ART is to get the viral load blood test result to under 50 copies/mL.

    And if your partner’s viral load is under 50, it means HIV is undetectable. Having an undetectable viral load means that HIV cannot be transmitted, even if you don’t use condoms.

    Please see Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) here.

    Please see how to become pregnant when one partner is HIV positive and the other HIV negative. This says that your partner has to be undetectable for 6 months before you have sex without condoms. But please talk to the clinic about this, it is likely to be a cautious recommendation.

    However, it’s important to talk to your partner’s doctor. They can help with advice on how to conceive naturally in the safest way for you.

  3. Sandy

    My partner just find out his HIV positive 3 months ago, and his taking the M 171, so now I’m neg and he wants kids, I love him, would love to give him a child, but I’m scared for my life, what do I do?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zama,

    Do you mean Trivenz?

    Yes, Tribuss and Trivenz are the same thing. They are the same as Atripla. Please see other names for this drug at this link.

    Is there a problem with your supply of HIV meds in your country? Please let us know.

  5. Zama


    is Trivent and Tribuss same thing?
    and what if you normaly drink D100 pink and the following month you get another colour and code?

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Fani,

    Yes, any viral load result under 50 copies/mL is undetectable. And an undetectable viral load means you cannot transmit HIV even if you don’t use condoms.

    Please see U=U here.

  7. Fani

    Hi does viral load of 49 means undetectable?after taking ARVs.

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Wenga,

    Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla and it is manufactured by Aspen. It is widely used in South Africa.

  9. WENGA

    It’s M171 is it to prevent hiv or for a person who is positive or negative? Or is for other sickness beside hiv?

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Wenga,

    I’m sorry, but I don’t know what this is.


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