Q and A


What is the difference between Tribuss and Odimune tablets?



Tribuss and Odimune are generic versions of the fixed dose combination pill Atripla. These drugs have different names because they are made by different manufacturers.

Each version contains the same doses of three drugs. These are tenofovir, FTC and efavirenz.

There are no safety concerns from switching from one manufacturer to another.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lindy,
    HIV treatment (ART) usually means taking 3 or more drugs to control HIV. Tribuss has three drugs in it. These are efavirenz, Tenofovir DF and FTC. There’s more info about Tribuss here. Aluvia is a tablet with just 2 drugs in it, lopinavir and its booster ritonavir. There’s more info about Aluvia here. So there is a difference in strength because of this. Aluvia is usually taken with another drug for HIV.

  2. Lindy

    Can suppliers/doctors change patients medication from tribuss tabs to Aluvia tabs because of their difference in sthrength?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lolo, Odimune and Tribuss are the same. But the name is different because theay are made by different companies. You can see more names for these meds here. So it should be okay to take Odimune. But has this problem with delivery happened before? If so, you can talk to the clinic and ask if they can give you different meds that have more regular delivery.

  4. Lolo

    Hi, I am out of my Tribuss and still waiting for my delivery. Can i take my husband Odimune till i gt my delivery of Tribuss?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tembile,

    Other manufacturers make the Tribuss tablet and sell it under a different name. This is the case for Triolar so it is okay for you to do this. Rather than the brand name, please look to see the active ingredients. This is usually in smaller print on the box or on a leaflet that comes with the meds.

    Generally, it’s not a good idea to take meds that have been given to someone else, but if the active ingredients are the same, this will be okay.

    But what has happened to your order? Can you ask the clinic to give you with a small supply until they arrive? What country do you live in? There maybe local support organisations to help stop this from happening again.

  6. Tembile

    I am running out of my Tribuss treatment, and my wife is using Triolar tablets. Can I take one of my wife’s meds up until I receive my order?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi T.boE – thanks for letting us know :)

  8. T.boE,

    Thank you.now stress free.xap

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi T.boE, it is okay for your girlfriend to use one of your meds. Both Odimune and Tribuss contain the same active meds. It is okay to switch one for the other.

  10. T.boE,

    Hi my girlfriend is on Odimune and i am on Tribuss. So here we are at The Resort she is out of medication. I have about 15 tablets that are present she is left with 1 pill for 2 days. Can she take Tribuss with me and what if at home the doctor will giv her Odimune again. Is there any danger using Tribuss today, tomorrow Odimune and back to Tribuss again like that vice versa again please…


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