Q and A


I started treatment at 6 months of pregnancy, will my baby be positive?

I am 8 months pregnant but found out that I am HIV positive at 6 months and started my medication from there. My CD4 count is 261. Is it possible that my baby can be born HIV positive?



Thanks for your question. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

It is good you have started treatment, it will protect your health and your baby’s health.

Even at 28 weeks (a late diagnosis) some women who start treatment immediately and get an undetectable viral load by the time of delivery can have normal birth and a negative baby.

As you started treatment at 24 weeks you a very good chance of not transmitting HIV to your baby. Without treatment, there is about a 1 in 3 chance (30%). With treatment and an undetectable viral load, the risk drops to about 1 in 100 (1%).

Please see our guide on pregnancy for more information.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Mpho, I can’t say how likely the risk is, but it is important to have an HIV test now. This is important for all women during pregnancy. You are also at risk if you are still sleeping together without condoms. You could easily still be negative but it is very important to test.

  2. Mpho

    H am Mpho i am pregnant 10weeks never tested for hiv but my boyfriend tested positive, is there a possibility that I may also be positive?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Comfort,

    If you’re positive and pregnant, you need to use ARVs. It’s the ARVs that will reduce the risk of transmission to your baby. Please see here:


    If you decide not to use medication you are putting your child at risk.

    If you choose to breastfeed when you aren’t using ARVs or your viral load is detectable, you’ll be putting your child at risk. No child deserves this.

    PrEP doesn’t exist for babies.

  4. Comfort

    Am hiv positive and 9month and am not on drugs what will I do to prevent my child from hiv and can I breastfeed the child even if am not on drugs by given the child prep

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gloria,

    If you’re 8 months pregnant and you’ve just been diagnosed it’s important that you start taking ARVs. If you have been diagnosed late in pregnancy, it’s still possible to have a negative child, you will however need specialist support and if your HIV isn’t under control when you give birth, you’ll need to have a C-section. This is all discussed here in this guide:


  6. Gloria

    I need to khow what happen when I find a pregnant and hiv positive in 8 months

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gift,

    The ARVs won’t harm your child, the ARVs will help your child. Please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy
    As this is a late diagnosis has your doctor talked to you about birthing options?

  8. Gift

    I’m 8month pregnant but found out that I’m sero positive to HIV at 8month and started my medication can it affect the child in the womb

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Phumzile,

    If you’re positive you need to take ARVs. It’s the ARVs that reduce the risk of transmission to babies. Please see the following: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

  10. Phumzile

    Hi i am hiv positive and i hv 7 week i jst want to knw if i start arvs nw theres no risk can affect my unborn or it better to start early


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