Q and A


I started treatment at 6 months of pregnancy, will my baby be positive?

I am 8 months pregnant but found out that I am HIV positive at 6 months and started my medication from there. My CD4 count is 261. Is it possible that my baby can be born HIV positive?



Thanks for your question. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

It is good you have started treatment, it will protect your health and your baby’s health.

Even at 28 weeks (a late diagnosis) some women who start treatment immediately and get an undetectable viral load by the time of delivery can have normal birth and a negative baby.

As you started treatment at 24 weeks you a very good chance of not transmitting HIV to your baby. Without treatment, there is about a 1 in 3 chance (30%). With treatment and an undetectable viral load, the risk drops to about 1 in 100 (1%).

Please see our guide on pregnancy for more information.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pertunia, your viral load is a little higher than what would be desired (low risk is considered below 1000). However, in general, your viral load is still considered low and risk of transmission is still minimal.

    Are you on any HIV medication? and if so for how long? Many women do not find out about their status until later on in their pregnancy with higher viral loads and still go on to have healthy HIV negative children. In your case, as your viral load is greater than 1000, it means that your baby will be given a longer course of their own HIV medication after they’re born. This is to help reduce the risk of transmission – this course of medication could be up to 12 weeks.

    It is very likely that you will go on to have a healthy, HIV negative baby. There is no cause for worry in this instance.

  2. Pertunia

    My viral load is 2660 and am 35 weeks pregnant can this affect my baby

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ntombi, how often do you forget to take your pills? In general missing a dose by a few hours, or occasionally a day or two it is unlikely to cause risk to your baby. Now that you are pregnant it is important to remain adherent with your medication. HIV medication is safe to take during pregnancy and is the best way to keep you and baby healthy.

  4. Ntombi

    Sometimes I forget taking pills on time I Ve jst found out tht I’m pregnant will my baby be infected

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Prudence, it is great to hear that you have started taking ARVs. This is what will reduce your child’s risk the most. Also, after giving birth they will be given their own course of medication. For how long depends on the total risk. The doctor will be able to work this out. Even when the mother is not on treatment, the likelihood your child being born with HIV is minimal, being on treatment will even further reduce this.

  6. Prudence

    Hi. I started taking ARVs at 5months of my pregnancy and im now 7months pregnant. Im worried about my baby’s health, what are the chances of getting an HIV negative baby?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kamogelo congratulations on your pregnancy. Starting ARV when you found out is great. Hopefully your viral load will fall within the first few weeks of treatment. Finding out about your status late in your pregnancy can be scary, but HIV medication will greatly reduce risk of your baby being HIV positive. After birth they will be given a course of ARV. For how long depends on the total risk of contracting HIV. This will also depend on where you are in the world and will be a discussion with your doctor.

  8. Kamogelo

    I was testing negative throughout my pregnancy. At 31 weeks I tested positive for HIV and I started treatment immediately. My viral load by then was 6780, will my baby be born with HIV?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zama, you are not too late to start HIV medication. Finding out now is good news and you will be able to reduce the risk of HIV transmission for your baby. Now that you know your status, you can start treatment immediately. There will also be treatment for your baby after birth to further reduce the risk of transmission. Have you spoken to a doctor about starting medication?

  10. Zama

    Hi I’m 3 months pregnant and i just found out im HIV positive am i late to start drugs for my unborn child to get affected?…im so scared for my child


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