Q and A


How can I decrease my viral load?

hi my question is that I found out I am hiv positive and my c4 was 64 and am now on treatment. The last time Ii do my varal load was more than 3000, they asked me to do it again this month. I’m stressed to much and that makes me scared. What can I used to boost my viral load? I don’t have a problem with my treatment my problem is the stress I have.


Thanks for getting in touch.

What was your viral load when you were diagnosed? How long have you been on treatment? Has your CD4 increased since you started meds?

I appreciate that you are concerned that your viral load is not undetectable. It is though still low, and will continue to go down if you take your meds. It can take up to six months to become undetectable. It is taking your meds that will decrease your viral load, and nothing else.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Wendy,

    If your viral load isn’t going down and your on meds and have been for 5 years you will need to talk to your doctor about changing your combination. For more info about changing meds, please see here:


  2. Wendy

    Hi I’ve been on ARVs for more than five years but my viral load is not decreasing I’m very worried

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tessy,

    If you’ve been on meds for 2 years and your viral load is still high this would imply that your meds aren’t working like they should do. This is something that you’ll need to talk to your doctor about, as you might need to change. For more info, please see here:


  4. Tessy

    My viral load is up 19995 and my CD4 is 670. I’ve been on meds for 2 years.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mbali,

    How long have you been adhering to your meds? How often did you use to skip them for? For info about changing meds, please see here:


  6. mbali

    Hi I have been medication for five years. I used to skip my meds but now I’m taking them the way I should. My problem now is my viral load its at 9000 I’m very scared cause the nurse told me maybe the medication is no longer working. What can I do plz help

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zoe,

    ARVs don’t interfere with a woman’s fertility. Therefore, if this is an issue you’ll need to talk to your doctor about this.

  8. Zoe

    hi Lisa

    my viral load is low down to undetectable. I have been trying to have a baby but I don’t get pregnant. Does be on treatment reduce chance of pregnancy? m cornered that because I did got pregnant before taking the meds but unfortunately had a miscarriage.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Grace,

    You won’t get sick straight away, this can take time. As your viral load begins to climb your CD4 will drop, this is when people get ill. To prevent this people need to be on effective treatment. From what you’ve said, the treatment that you’re on at the moment isn’t working as it should. This is why its important to change.

    At the end of the day its up to you if you wish to change your medication or not. No one can force you to do this. However, I strongly advise that you think about. And as I’ve said, second line treatment is just as good, it isn’t inferior.

  10. Grace

    But why am I not getting sick, though my viral load is increasing?and don’t you think that its too early to start second line coz my viral load is 4750 now?


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