Q and A


I stopped meds, can I begin taking them again?

I found out about my HIV status this year September I was then given arvs on the 18 of October I only used them for three weeks I then stop….. It has been a month not taking them, will I become resistance to the treatment if I start using them next month? my cd4count is 327. Im scared if I start using them again I will get sick so I wanna know if I can start using them again or I should take immune boosters


Thanks for getting in touch.

Firstly, HIV meds are very good and very safe. They work really well. Even if you have trouble with side effects with one combination, it should be easy to use a different one.

“Immune boosters” are just an advertising scan. Although companies might claim this, there is no evidence that any of them work for HIV – or anything else.

These products will not help your CD4 count, nor your HIV. The only thing that will is ARVs.

Having a month of meds isn’t ideal, but please talk to your doctor about this if you are worried.

It is great that you are thinking about restarting as the combination is likely to still work very well. For more info on restarting, please see this earlier answer:


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Eypee,

    If you’re feeling unwell you need to see a doctor, let them know that you’re positive, ask them to do a CD4 count test. This is important as you need to know how your immune system is. You’re positive so you should be on meds.

  2. Eypee

    Hi i was off meds for 2 years after 9 months of taking them now I’m sick I’m worried that I might die

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Themba,

    Sorry to hear that you were so ill, hopefully you’re now doing much better.

    Whilst you were off your ARVs your CD4 count may have dropped, your viral load will have become undetectable. However, now that you’ve restarted taking your ARVs your viral load will have begun to drop again. Your CD4 should also rise.

    As you were off meds for a while, and due to being ill it’s important that you have your CD4 count checked as well as your viral load. If your CD4 is low, you’ll need to take some antibiotics as well.

  4. Themba

    I was in hospital for 2 months due to Covid-19. Was in a coma for few weeks so I did not take my meds for that period. I have started my meds again. What effect does this stoppage have on my health? And how do I correct it?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tasha,

    As this post explains, engaging in treatment is really important. For you it’s very important because you’re pregnant, please see here for why: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

    Due to being off medication for three years, you’re going to need to have your viral load as well as your CD4 count tested. This is important as your CD4 will have changed. When you see your doctor, it’s important that you’re honest with them. Just tell them you’ve been off meds and that you’re now ready to restart. They need to know as this could influence your treatment options.

  6. Tasha

    Hie I stopped taking my ARV 3 years ago due to personal reasons but now I feel I need to restart because I discovered I am now pregnant so I need to do it for my child…is it going to be a long process to go back and will they see that I had stopped before coz I just want to start afresh on a clean sheet

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Katrina,

    Yes you can restart taking meds, it’s good that you want to. Due to being off meds for some time, you’re going to need to have your CD4 count checked as well as your viral load. Your HIV doctor/nurse should also discuss treatment options with you. ARVs start to work as soon as someone starts taking them.

  8. Katrina

    I also stopped medication for five years can it still work for me?? will I get better?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mellow,

    It’s great to hear that you want to restart taking ARVs. As you’ve been off meds for some time if you can you should book an appointment to see your doctor. Let them know that you’ve been off medication for some time, but that you’re now ready to start. Ideally they should check your viral load as well as your CD4 count. They should also discuss your treatment options.

    You’ve asked if you’ll get sick, if you mean side effects, yes you may get some, however these will pass. If you don’t take ARVs this will be worse as your HIV isn’t under control.

  10. Mellow

    Hi it’s been 3 years I stoped taking medicine after 7 months of taking them so want to know can I go back … will I not get sick ??


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