Q and A


I stopped meds, can I begin taking them again?

I found out about my HIV status this year September I was then given arvs on the 18 of October I only used them for three weeks I then stop….. It has been a month not taking them, will I become resistance to the treatment if I start using them next month? my cd4count is 327. Im scared if I start using them again I will get sick so I wanna know if I can start using them again or I should take immune boosters


Thanks for getting in touch.

Firstly, HIV meds are very good and very safe. They work really well. Even if you have trouble with side effects with one combination, it should be easy to use a different one.

“Immune boosters” are just an advertising scan. Although companies might claim this, there is no evidence that any of them work for HIV – or anything else.

These products will not help your CD4 count, nor your HIV. The only thing that will is ARVs.

Having a month of meds isn’t ideal, but please talk to your doctor about this if you are worried.

It is great that you are thinking about restarting as the combination is likely to still work very well. For more info on restarting, please see this earlier answer:


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Lucky, thanks for sharing your experience and for saying how you feel.

    This is somethig that other people have reported too, so you are not the only one to report this.

    Becasue this is such an important question, I have posted a detailed reply at this link:

    Please see the info at the link because without knowing more about your history and situatiuon now, it is difficult to give individual advice – other than making sure you doctor is trying to help.

  2. Lucky

    I have discovered that I’m hiv positive this year around March 2023, the treatment is giving me a lot of weight, I’m gaining too much and I think I should stop taking treatment.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dladla, how long have you been taking your meds again? and when did you notice the headaches?

    Headaches are very common, is this headache similar to one you normally experience?

  4. Dladla

    Good Morning
    I haven’t been taking my ARV’s for 3 months now and I would like to re-start again for my partner to be safe..But since I started I have a very bad headache and feel very weak after re-taking the meds

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lindi, why will you not be able to go to check ups when you are older? As you get age people are encouraged to be more involved in their health care and attend as many health check-ups as they can.

    ART is a lifelong treatment. ART suppresses HIV and stops it having an effect on your body. When on ART you have a life expectancy similar to HIV negative people. You should not be stopping your treatment.

  6. Lindi

    I’m lindi diagnosed in Feb this year only 3months on medication I’m 55yrs old I’m not sick and ic never been sick with this virus my worry is I’m getting old and soon I won’t be able to go go check ups how long should I take meds or at what age should I stop taking meds

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Amy, I am sorry to hear that you had experienced a number of side effects. What was the name of the treatment you were taking? A lot of the newer medication has less side effects with weight loss now being very uncommon.

    It is great that you want to restart treatment. Do you know your current CD4 count and viral load? Are you able to go back to your original clinic to discuss starting treatment again?

  8. Amy

    Good Day

    I have not taken my arvs in years as the side affects were really bad and I’ve lost alot of weight, I’ve since gained weight and I feel fine but in worried that it might affect my partner and would like to start taking the meds again. Please can you advise the way forward

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sinovuuyo, in most cases treatment will continue to work. As you did have a break from treatment getting a viral load test a few weeks after restarting will let you know that the treatment is still working.

    Do you mind me asking why you stopped in March?

  10. Sinovuyo

    Hi I am Sinovuyo I started my arvs 03 March 2022 and stopped talking it March this year now I want to restart my treatment again will it work again


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