Q and A


I stopped meds, can I begin taking them again?

I found out about my HIV status this year September I was then given arvs on the 18 of October I only used them for three weeks I then stop….. It has been a month not taking them, will I become resistance to the treatment if I start using them next month? my cd4count is 327. Im scared if I start using them again I will get sick so I wanna know if I can start using them again or I should take immune boosters


Thanks for getting in touch.

Firstly, HIV meds are very good and very safe. They work really well. Even if you have trouble with side effects with one combination, it should be easy to use a different one.

“Immune boosters” are just an advertising scan. Although companies might claim this, there is no evidence that any of them work for HIV – or anything else.

These products will not help your CD4 count, nor your HIV. The only thing that will is ARVs.

Having a month of meds isn’t ideal, but please talk to your doctor about this if you are worried.

It is great that you are thinking about restarting as the combination is likely to still work very well. For more info on restarting, please see this earlier answer:


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi MP,

    If your partners CD4 count is low, stopping ARVs isn’t something that’s usually advised, especially if someone has OI. Has your partners doctor said why the ARVs need to be interrupted?
    The rash could be due to the ARVs, what is it that he’s taking?

  2. MP

    Hi- my partner was just recently diagnosed with stage 4 HIV. He had an OI, pneumocystis jeruvecii and is being treated with cotrimoxazole and other prophylactic drugs.

    He is on ARV and 10 days on the ARC, he developed rash on the trunk which spread to the extremities and neck. These are not itchy nor have any blisters. Just red patches and flat. No scaling as well.

    He is advised to stop the antibiotic and ARV for further evaluation.

    We are worried that this may affect his treatment and lessen the potency of the medication/s.

    Can you advise if you have seen a similar experience like this?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi David,

    It’s good to hear that you’ve restarted meds, more so because your CD4 is low. To know if they are working or not you’re going to need to have your viral load tested. Is this possible where you live?

  4. david

    i was diagnosed with HIV about 3 years ago, at the time my cd4 level was high. then I was on the ARV meds for about 1 year then I stopped for about 2 years – I’ve developed Kaposi sarcoma – now I have a cd4 level of 86. and now I’ve started taking Genvoya about 6 weeks ago. I’m nervous that I’ve now become immune to the HIV meds and they won’t work. what do you think?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nolubabalo,

    It’s great to hear that you want to restart taking your meds, this is really important. The simply answer to your question is yes. However, as you’ve been off meds for a month the best thing to do would be to see your doctor. Let them know that you’ve missed a months a meds. Ideally they should check your viral load as well as your CD4 count. You may be able to use the same meds that you were using before you stopped, you may however need to use another combination. But yes, you can restart taking ARVs.

  6. Nolubabalo

    hi I stop taking my ARV for month but I go back again?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nhlanhla,

    It’s good you’ve been on HIV treatment (ART) for 5 years. That’s because being on ART has benefits for your health, even at high CD4 counts.

    But can I ask why you want to stop? Perhaps feeling tired is a side effects of your treatment. What meds are you taking?

    However, you can talk to your doctor and ask if there are other meds that will be easier for you to take, and that will not make you feel tired.

    You can discuss a treatment break with your doctor and ask for advice. Your doctor is the best person to ask because they know about your treatment history.

  8. Nhlanhla

    I’ve been on my treatment for 5 years now and I feel tired I want to stop for a while. I skipped June and went back last month but I’m due to go back for collection this coming week and I really don’t want to anymore. How is this going to affect me? Can I take a break and start again next year? I’ve never skipped anymonth since I started besides the one month I skipped in June.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lady N,

    It’s good to hear that you’ve started taking ARVs again and that you don’t have the side effects you had the first time.

    However, you can ask your doctor for your CD4 and viral load results. This is the way to see if your new meds are working as well as they should.

    Sleepless nights and funny dreams are reported side effects of efavirenz. This is one of the three drugs in Atroiza. Please see here for other names for this pill.

    Please talk to your doctor if this side effect is difficult for you. You can ask to change to other meds that can be easier for you to take.

  10. Lady N

    I have started to take my meds after 4years of stopping and I did not have the side effects I had the first time when I started taking my meds I want to know if my body is resisting the ARV or are they working coz all I have now is just some sleepless nights n funny thoughts or scary ones plz help


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