
My CD4 is 769, can I stop meds?

I have been taking ART for a 1 month now. I feel awful. Mmy CD4 count is 769. The thing is I want to stop and finish my studies. Will I be okay?


Thanks for getting in touch.

When you say awful, what do you mean? What side effects are you having? And what ARVs are you taking?

Side effects are common when first starting meds. They usually go after 2-4 weeks, or they become easier to manage. Therefore, you could give your body some more time to get used to them.

With regards to stopping them because of your studies, the World Health Organisation recommend that everyone is on meds regardless of their CD4. Therefore, even if you’rs is high, its recommended that you say on them. However, only you can decide if you want to say on meds.

For what will happen if you choose to stop taking meds please see quesiton 7 here:


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Alli,

    Where are you living in the US? If you could let me know I might be able to find where you can access meds. When will your meds be arriving?

    Not having meds for a week isn’t ideal. However, as long as you can get some as soon as possible you should be fine. Whats your current CD4 and viral load? And what have you been taking?

  2. Alli

    I’ve been taking meds now for 3 years. I moved to the US from the Caribbean. I had my meds shipped and it’s a week late. Will I be ok? And where can I go to get treatment if not free, low cost, as I’m not working yet.


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