Q and A


Can I take ARVs if I’m not positive?

Can I use Odimune if I’m not HIV positive?


Thanks for getting in touch.

For me to be able to answer this, I’ll need to know why you’re considering taking Odimune.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kgomosto,

    You’ve not said if you’ve been using ARVs? If you’ve been using ARVs this will explain the low viral load. Or was your viral load 20copies when you were diagnosed?

  2. Kgomotso

    Viral load <20 copy/ml cd4 930 cell/unit was recommended to do those test

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kgomotso,

    If you’ve been diagnosed in a clinic and you’ve been taking ARVs, there’s no reason why you need to do another HIV test- I can’t say why you’ve been asked to do this.
    When you were diagnosed what your viral load? Also, you’ve said that your CD4 count was normal, what was it?

  4. Kgomotso

    Hi,3 months bck was pregnant den had miscarriage then tested hiv+with normal cd4 counts now i went to do 2nd test only viral load and cd4 were done my surprise is results recommend i do western blot test can you please assist im confused.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Oagile,

    ARVs are used to treat or prevent HIV, they aren’t used for reason connected to mental health.

  6. Oagile

    Can a Psychatric patient who’s not on ARV treatment be given ARV and what are the side effects? The one whose on ARV being given Psychiatric medication, and what are the side effects on him as well?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Nyasha, thanks. This is something you need to talk to your doctor about. HIV meds should not cause any changes in bleeding rates with your period. It might just be coincidence that this happened at the same time – but you doctor can ask more questions to find out what is wrong.

  8. Nyasha

    I was diagnosed recently with HIV and was taking odimune and after 3 months they change the medication and l have been bleeding heavy blood with large clothes such a way that I can change pad after every one hour what could be the problem

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zinhle,

    If you’re talking about PEP, then yes this is taken for a month. However, Atenef isn’t PEP.

  10. Zinhle

    Was given atenef at the clinic after the exposure so after a month should I totally stop them?


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