Q and A


Can I take ARVs if I’m not positive?

Can I use Odimune if I’m not HIV positive?


Thanks for getting in touch.

For me to be able to answer this, I’ll need to know why you’re considering taking Odimune.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mamokete, HIV tests do not test positive immediately after exposure. This is because HIV tests look for a response in the body that might take a while before a test can identify this. Different tests have different window periods: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/what-is-the-window-period

    p24 antigen tests can detect HIV 11 days to 1 months after exposure.
    4th generation antigen/antibody tests can detect HIV from 6 weeks onwards.
    3rd generation antibody tests can detect HIV from 3 months onwards.

  2. Mamokete

    It’s been a month now I’m on ARVs I tested negative on the 7th Feb and a test was forced on me at the clinical campaign on the 1st of march the tests was not clear yet I was diagnosed with ARVs.does HIV show in a period of less than 3months?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dimpho, I am sorry to hear that this test was forced upon you. It is possible that a vaccine can cause a false positive, there is also concern in the fact that these tests are out of date. This result cannot be considered reliable when a test used has expired. Diabetes will have no effect on this test result. Do you have access to another health clinic to have a confirmatory test? Or perhaps have access to an at home test?

    While sex is the most common form of transmission, HIV can also be transmitted when in direct blood-blood contact. Please follow this link for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  4. Dimpho


    I have been celibate for over 3 years and have tested twice after my first encounter (both times, 6 months apart). My HIV results were negative. Two weeks ago, after abdominal pain due to untreated municipal water, I tested HIV positive (a test forced on me by the nurse in charge). Which I don’t understand, as I tested negative twice before after the window period, with the last test taken a year later. Why would this be?

    Also, can the Covid19 vaccination cause a false-positive HIV result, because of antibodies picked up by the rapid test? Or could diabetes cause a false positive – because my sugar levels were between 9 and 10mmols on two separate occasions (and the clinic is not intervening with treatment for diabetes, but were quick to dispense me with ARVs without a confirmatory test, using HIV rapid tests that expired a month ago)?

    Please help.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sbusiso, what treatment has your son been given? What do you mean he was diagnosed by his weight? HIV requires a test for diagnosis. It is not done based on clinical symptoms.

  6. Sbusiso

    Hi my son is diagnose with ARVs in December due his weight but he tested negative and i also tested negative with his mother now am stress why he is given arvs we tested negative

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mokete, taking ARVs will have caused no harm to your daughter. Is she now testing negative and not taking any ARVs?


    Hi my 16 year daughter Has tested positive Nd for the second time was negative Nd she was on ARVs for 3days so it’s healthy for her to take ARVs when she tested negative

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Dineo, thanks, this is the sort of question that you have to ask your doctor. Has else has changed in your treatment or life generally?

  10. Dineo

    It’s been 4 years taking arv. But recently when I take them I become dizzy and have a fever… What is the problem


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