Q and A


Are Trenvir and Trivenz the same thing?

I was given Trivenz in the 1st month then Trenvir in the 2nd month is it ok for my health?? I take my pills at 20:30 and my supper at 20:10 is it ok to do so?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The ARVs that you’ve been given are both generic versions of an ARV called Atripla, please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/1561 What this means is that they contain the same compounds. It’s common to be given different generic versions of Atripla, especially in Southern African countries.

With regards to when you should take your meds, the above link discusses this.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi anonymous, unfortunately suggest an element of mistrust with your partner. Confiding in people about their HIV status can be very difficult for some people and given how you have found this medication, your partner may not have been ready to tell you. HIV still carries both a lot of stigma in society and can still cause a lot of shame for the person who is HIV positive. This is not a matter that people can just ‘get over’ and it may take years before being comfortable to disclose their status, even with loved ones.

    I would suggest trying not to take it personally that you have not been told. Disclosing a status factors in a lot of information and your partner may simply have not known how to tell you. While he has been on medication it is most likely that you have not been put at risk. Being on medication helps to reduce viral load and make it so you cannot pass on HIV via sex. You can read more about this (U=U) here: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    Does your partner know how you feel about HIV? Have you been able to discuss this with him in conversion? even without remarking his own status. First response to being asked about status is a feeling of being judged. Even if this is not the case, given the weight behind asking the question this is usually how it feels. Maybe if you can read more about HIV prior to speaking with him further you can learn more and get a better understanding of what your parter has been going through and how you can support him. This is a link to starting ART (the medication you found) and how it helps manage his health: https://i-base.info/guides/starting

  2. anonymous

    I found pills in his medical aid box written his name and date 06 June 2020 & October 2020 , I tried to ask him about them because I google but I couldn’t get the right answers but he was upset he said I am judging him yet I don’t know what going on so i kept quite and i am giving him space but i want him to be honest with me not to fight him

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, how did you find out your boyfriend is taking Trenvir?

  4. Anonymous

    Hi I just find out my boyfriend is taking Trenvir, what does this mean, please make me understand because I am confused and he doesn’t want to talk about. Please help me understand and how should i ask him to talk.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Malondi, it is good that you have tested positive. Trenvir is not approved to be used as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Please follow this link for more information about PEP: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/pep-and-pepse

  6. Malondi

    Hi I have tested negative but I wasn’t sure of my partner’s status so the nurse gave me trenvir pills to take for 30 days to ensure that I’m not infected

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lebogang, yes they are the same combination. They have different names because they have been made by different companies.

  8. Lebogang

    Is trenvir the same as atroiza?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, it is possible for Trivenz to cause this. This medication contains efavirenz. Efavirenz is a drug suggested of causing weight changes. Notably changing how fat is carried on the body and where it is. How long have you been on this medication?

  10. Makgosi

    Hi can trivenz/trenvir cause my face n my legs to look thinner then my tummy look fatty


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