Q and A


I’ve been given Telatri instead of Atrozia, is this OK?

I have been on ART for 20 months now and my viral load is undetectable, 20copies. l’ve been using Atrozia. Today they gave me (telatri) should I be worried?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The main difference between Telatri and Atrozia is that Telatri contains an ARV called dolutegravir. Atroiza is based on an ARV called efavirenz.

Dolutegravir should have less side effects and it should be easier to take.

In many countries including southern Africa it iss common to be switch to the newer dolutegravir-based ART.

Please talk about this with your doctor if this is causing you any problems.

Your doctor should also have explained any change in your meds before you were switched.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Rami – thanks for sharing your experience. This is still really early days and you are doing amazingly well – especially to now be undetectable so quickly. As you said you had skin problems before starting meds, this is not likely to be linked to any of the meds, and your skin might improve now that viral load is undetectable.

    It is also fine to take all your meds at the same time, which also makes adherence easier. Did your doctor say how long you need to take the TB meds for. This is usually only for a short time but varies in different countries.

  2. Rami

    I started taking my arv’s end of November 2023, the first medication they gave me was volutrip, along with solonex and pyridoxine and on my next visit I was given Isoniazid winthrop, and followed by Telatri with isoniazid and pyrodoxine.

    I have developed pimples on my face and few on chest not sure as wether the medication is the cause as I am having facial problems, pimples and acne even before taking this med. I tried talking to the nurse about this she mentioned that I should be a bit patience as the pills are still fighting a virus in me and still finding a place, am a bit worried though as this pimples make me uncomfortable.

    I was told my viral load is undetectable. So I want to check I am taking all this three pills, arv, pyridoxine and winthrop all at once at 06:00 every morning. Is it wrong doing so? Like will taking them at once delay them from being effective? I sometimes have mild cramps I don’t know how best can I describe them but tiredness in my legs, I heard it my be the pills that I was given to prevent the tb, heard it from a rumour though. How true is this. Thanks

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bongani, how long after switching did you notice this dry cough? and have you had any other symptoms e.g., fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes around the neck etc…?

    The difference btween Atroiza and Telatri is instead of efavirenz, Telatri uses dolutegravir. A cough is not a side effect of this drug.

    Have you spoken to your doctor about this cough? and is th cough bothering you at all/what have you tried to help it?

  4. Bongani

    Started with atrioza now they gave me telatri and i started dry coughing

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kgosi, why are you wanting to taking Telatri when you are HIV negative?

    Taking this medication will not lead you to becoming positive. Unless you have had an exposure to HIV, you will remain HIV negative.

    Testing and transmission: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  6. Kgosi

    Is it okay to take Telatri while I don’t have HIV? And will I still be tested negative after using them?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gladwin, Telatri is used to suppress viral load. This means it can get it below 20 in some people/undetectable. Do you know what your viral load is now? and how long have you been on treatment?

    You should not increase the dosage of Telatri without talking to your doctor. Telatri is used to suppress viral load. It does this by stopping HIV being able to replicate in the body.

  8. Gladwin

    Hi, what level of viroload does the Telatri tablet treats, when im under ARV treatment. Also, will the viroload level decrease, when I increase my Telatri dosage…?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gugu, both of these can be side effects from taking Telatri. These effects should wear off during the course of PEP. Are you able to manage living with these symptoms?

  10. Gugu

    I been using Telatri for 12 days as PEP now and sometimes I get tired and sometimes I feel some headache and I tested negative yesterday. What could be the problem


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