Q and A


Is a negative HIV test four weeks after PEP okay?

Good day.

Is it possible to test positive after testing negative after completing 28 day of  PEP?



In the UK, people need to wait 4 to 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP before taking a 4th generation HIV antigen/antibody test.

If this test is negative after 6 weeks, then someone is told they do not have HIV. If it is negative after 4 weeks, it means HIV is unlikely, but that a second test should confirm this after a few more weeks.

There is no point taking an HIV test as soon as you finish PEP.

This is because the PEP could just be covering up or delaying a potential infection.

This answer was updated in June 2023 from a question first posted in November 2020. This is because UK guidelines now recommend testing after 6 weeks rather than after 4 weeks.


  1. SavageLove

    Hello Doc, i took pep for two months, started then had another exposure amidst the first dose so i extended to cover the second exposure. It took three different types, TLD, then a blue pill then a pink pill. I have tested three months after the meds and im negative. Is this conclusive? I have symptoms that i had while taking the meds till now and im scared as hell, rash, my face itches so much, i have like white stuff in my eyebrows, the ones people get in the hair, i dont know the name, something i didnt have before, my armpit lymph nodes are swollen. The doctor told me to test after three months to complete six months. Im not sure what to think at this point. Im so afraid.

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jack, your tests at 3 months are conclusive – you do not have HIV.

    Please follow this link for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  3. Jack

    Hi a confirmed pos girl performed oral as in was insertive that was for 40 seconds max went on pep 4th day and before I start was negative I tested at 17 day it was Negative but was still on pep and and I tested after one week of pep I was negative again and I tested at 3 months after the exposure of oral and I was Negative again ? and an expert told me that was not a risk but still I’m testing for my reassurance the test I did are they enough?

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sami, no you do not need to worry. A condom is a known effective barrier at preventing HIV transmission. If you are using a condom, you do not need PrEP.

  5. Sami

    Thank you for the response just a question in regards to the answer, if a condom isn’t broken should I need be worried about HIV? I’m asking as prep isn’t something accessible for me.

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sami, as you used a condom there is no risk of transmission. There was no need to be on PEP.

    Your tests are accurate. You do not have HIV.

  7. Sami

    Hi, I had protected anal sex with someone I’m not too sure the status of so I freaked out and took pep for about 9-10 days then stopped and got tested 4 weeks, 6 weeks, and then 11 and a half weeks after the last dose (4th gen test for all) they all came back negative. Does this mean I can relax? I feel like I shouldn’t have been worried since it was protected.

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jason, while Truvada is only a 2 drug combination, it can still be used as PEP depending on the country and availability of other combinations.

    After 42 days a 4th gen test is conclusive. As you did a test at 51 days this is accurate and you need no further tests. You are HIV negative.

  9. Jason

    I’m sorry but my pep is only truvada, do i need to test again or my 4th gen test after 51 days finishing only truvada as pep conclusive?

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jadon, a sore throat is not a specific symptom of HIV. A sore throat is common which much more common causes than HIV.


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