Q and A


What are the side effects of Immunadue?

What are the side effects of Immunadue?


i-Base still gets questions from people in South Africa about a multivitamin called Immunadue.

The answers include that this product:

  • Is NOT a treatment for HIV.
  • Will NOT strengthen your immune system by increasing your CD4 count.
  • Will NOT reduce your viral load.

As with other multivitamins there are unlikely to have side effects – but also do not have proven health benefits if you already eat a health balanced diet.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Shibbboleth, immunadue cannot clean your system. There is no evidence to suggest immunadue has positive health benefits.

    ‘Cleaning the system’ is not something a tablet can do. The body is designed to be self cleaning.

    Are these pimples ongoing? If they are persistent you can speak with a doctor and there may be suitable treatments for you.

  2. Shibbboleth

    Can immunadue clean the system I start taking them on the 26th of May an I developed some pimples should I buy another bottle or I must change

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Evelyn, is there a reason you need to be taking Immunadue? If not, stopping will stop the reflux if this is the cause.

    How long have you been taking Immunadue for?

  4. Evelyn

    Immunodue causing terrible acid reflux

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi William, Immundue cannot control high blood pressure. You will need to speak to a doctor or pharmacist about this.

  6. William

    Good afternoon can immunedue control high blood

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Driekie, Immunadue cannot cause diarrhoea. How long have you been experiencing this?

  8. Driekie

    Can immunadue give diarree, experiencing severe diarree since taking the tablets.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nonhlanhla, are you still experiencing diarrhoea? and what ‘capsules’ did you take?

  10. Nonhlanhla

    Hi sir I took 2 capsules and I’m experiencing diarrhea..


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