Q and A


What are the side effects of Immunadue?

What are the side effects of Immunadue?


i-Base still gets questions from people in South Africa about a multivitamin called Immunadue.

The answers include that this product:

  • Is NOT a treatment for HIV.
  • Will NOT strengthen your immune system by increasing your CD4 count.
  • Will NOT reduce your viral load.

As with other multivitamins there are unlikely to have side effects – but also do not have proven health benefits if you already eat a health balanced diet.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Martin, if there is a risk of peanuts contaminating immundane, do not ingest this if you are allergic to peanuts.

  2. Martin

    Hi there, please advise. I’m allergic to peanuts and it seems like immunadue ingradients might have been in contact with peanuts?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Alta, Immunadue should not be causing diarrhoea. If you think it might be the cause, it would be beneficial to stop taking Immanadue to see if your diarrhoea does stop.

  4. Alta

    Can immunadue give diarree, experiencing severe diarree since taking the tablets.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Luke, what do you mean by the ‘cap’?

  6. Luke

    Why should the cap not be taken after 5pm?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Johan, i-Base is an HIV treatment organisation. I do not know if there is any proven relationship between Immunadue and helping prostate cancer. These questions would be best suited for the healthcare professionals looking after your care.

  8. Johan

    Does it help for prostate cancer

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Simon,

    It’s possible that you may be feeling the way that you are due to the Volutrip that you’re taking, please see here for possible side effects:


    How long have you been using this ARV? Have you felt like this since you started taking it?

  10. Simon

    Hellow Sir:Simon
    im on HIV treatment,i do take immunadue_tablet multi_vitamin & mineral/immune modulator and my HIV Volutrip tablets after while i feel like im loosing my mind what is the cause,



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