Is Reydin safe to use while pregnant?
23 November 2021. Related: All topics, Changing treatment, Pregnancy, Side effects.
My doctor recently changed the ARV I was suing to Reydin. Is it safe to use Reydin while pregnant?
Hi Mavis, how are you doing? Congratulations on the pregnancy.
Reydin is a first line ARV for pregnant woman. It is recommended by UK and WHO guidelines. It is safe to use in pregnancy.
Reydin is a combination of 3 medications. It does contain Dolutegravir which is associated with a small increased risk of neural tube defects. A small risk.
In the UK it is recommended that women take a folic acid supplement for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to reduce this risk. Speaking to the doctor who prescribed the medication cam help explain why your ARV was changed.
If you want to know anything else please ask,
Hi Josh how are you? Trust you are well is 13weeks done with PEP negative by the way can i drink my alcohol?
Hi Maria, yes it is. Reydin does not affect your fertility. If anything, taking Reydin will help as it keeps you healthy which will help in conceiving.
Hi I’m trying to conceive I am taking the reydin. Is it possible for me to fall pregnant
Thanks josh for your respond God Bless Amen
Hi David, as long as this lab test is a fourth generation antigen/antibody test 6 weeks is long enough to be conclusive. 12 weeks is the benchmark used more often for at home and point of care testing. Please follow this link for different tests and time frames:
Hi Josh although I have done 7weeks laboratory tests and they are negative here in South Africa they say conclusive is about 12 weeks which is a bit strange to me or it depends on the country health regulations but for me I’m negative that’s what im sure of and as you said on previous conversation
Ok thanks Josh you are always there for us Thanks
Hi David, yes you can. You can eat whatever you like.
Hi Josh trust you are well is 10 weeks done done with my PEP can I eat my species food as usual? I like speicy food keep well Thanks
Hi David, yes a rapid test is conclusive after 3 months. Your result is accurate.