
Will taking PrEP affect HIV testing?

I had sex with a positive lady unknowingly. 3 days later I started PEP which I took for 30 days. 3 days after it was negative. I was given PrEP immediately from then on which I keep on taking. I am waiting for another test on from 29 days after finishing PEP but still on PrEP. Will the test be reliable if I am on PrEP?


Hi, how are you doing?

For a test to be conclusive it needs to be taken 6 weeks after a potential exposure. In this time you have to be off PrEP and PEP. Both of these medications have potential to mask the virus in the initial stages and prevent an accurate result.

Starting PEP within 72 hours is a good sign and that you followed the course for a full 30 days. The test you did 3 days later cannot be conclusive as you were too recently on PEP. Unfortunately this does also apply to PrEP.

Do you know if the woman you had sex with was on medication? If so there is the potential that her HIV was well managed and undetectable. If this is the case there is no chance that you will become HIV positive.

Please see this link for more information about PrEP:

Please see this link for more information about PEP:

If you have another question, please ask.
