Q and A


Can TLD be used as PEP?

Can TLD help someone who has been in contact with an HIV positive person to prevent them from contracting HIV before 72 hrs?


Hi, how are you?

Yes you can. TLD is a combination that can be used as PEP and for the management of active HIV infection. PEP stands for post exposure prophylaxis. PEP is used to prevent established infection after exposure.

TLD is a first choice recommendation for PEP. The course lasts 28 days following a high risk exposure. It is only used in cases where the exposure was within 72 hours. After this, regardless of what drug is prescribed, PEP will not work.

However, if your partner was using effective HIV treatment (ART) , you will not be at risk. Having an undetectable viral load on ART means HIV is not a risk. Please see:

If you have any more questions please ask,



  1. Mikstary

    Hi everyone ,I am currently on pep and peed in a cup in a public hospital for the doctors ,I am very concerned that I might have contracted hiv now,will the current pep that I am on cover me or should I extend the course

  2. Tawanashe

    Thank you

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tawnashe, 5 days is not going to alter the effectiveness of PEP in this instance. It is also likely that the combination of TLD was offering you some protection and working as PrEP. In this case there is no need to extend the duration of PEP. You can finish the course when originally intended.

  4. Tawanashe

    If someone is taking TLD as PEP but gets exposed again on day 5 should they extend the 28 day course by 5 days for effectiveness?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dreezy, TLD tablets do not need to be stored in any special container. If an envelope will be suitable for you, there is no reason not to store TLD like this.

  6. Dreezy

    They are TLD tablets

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dreezy, do you know what PEP you are taking? Different types sometimes need a different way of being stored. E.g., what drugs and is it a tablet?

  8. Dreezy

    Just wanted to confirm something kindly.
    Must PEP be kept in that special arv containers or an envelope can suffice?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dreezy, PEP is not 100% effective. Depending on how well you stick to taking PEP daily, and how soon you start (within 72 hours), PEP can be up to 90% effective. This is true for al combinations of PEP. TLD offers this same effectiveness.

  10. Dreezy

    By how much does TLD reduce risk of infection? Is it 100%effective?


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