Q and A


Can TLD be used as PEP?

Can TLD help someone who has been in contact with an HIV positive person to prevent them from contracting HIV before 72 hrs?


Hi, how are you?

Yes you can. TLD is a combination that can be used as PEP and for the management of active HIV infection. PEP stands for post exposure prophylaxis. PEP is used to prevent established infection after exposure.

TLD is a first choice recommendation for PEP. The course lasts 28 days following a high risk exposure. It is only used in cases where the exposure was within 72 hours. After this, regardless of what drug is prescribed, PEP will not work.

However, if your partner was using effective HIV treatment (ART) , you will not be at risk. Having an undetectable viral load on ART means HIV is not a risk. Please see:

If you have any more questions please ask,



  1. Mae

    had sex with a prostitute with a condom. I removed the condom with bare hands and wiped using a tissue. I suspect that I could have transferred virginal fluids from my hands to tissue and from tissue to penis. I started having reactions in my upper abdomen immidiately after sex. I then started pep on the 4th day. I am having all symptoms and scared

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tom, what do you mean ‘put it into capsules’? If you are struggling taking your medication you can speak to your pharmacist and they can suggest options. This link provides tips on how to help swallowing tablets: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/problems-swallowing-pills/

  3. Tom

    Can I cut the pill and put into capsules to pass it?

  4. Thomas Amoaten

    Hi Caspa,

    There is no risk of transmission to you or your wife from what you have described. The U.K. guidelines in this instance would not have prescribed PEP.

  5. Caspa

    While collecting Viral load sample, blood from the patient splashed and touched my face, though didn’t enter my eyes or mouth. But I am scared so I decided to take pep. Can I have sex while on this pep. My wife is planning for pregnancy soon and I just started pep, what can I do??

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Vishu, these are not common side effects associated with TLD. Have you been able to speak with a doctor about this? These symptoms have presented too early to suggest HIV being a cause of your symptoms.

  7. vishu

    i have taken TLD pep 4th day i am experiencing symptoms of muscle pain , dry cough , white tongue , lymph nodes on foot , pain waist ……is it normal by the way is my 6th day after exposure

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lily, are you experiencing any other symptoms? Developing hives is a sign of allergy. You should speak to a nurse/doctor about this. As PEP is usually a course of 28 days it is important you have this checked as to avoid any further complications. Has anything else changed in the last 2 days that may have caused this reaction?

  9. Lily

    Hi Josh, I developed hives while on pep, should I be worried and I started using it 48hrs after exposure.

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mikstray, you cannot get HIV from peeing in a cup. There is no reason to extend your course of PEP. Follow this link for how HIV is/isn’t transmitted: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/ways-that-hiv-is-not-transmitted


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