Can TLD be used as PEP?
5 January 2022. Related: All topics, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE.
Can TLD help someone who has been in contact with an HIV positive person to prevent them from contracting HIV before 72 hrs?
Hi, how are you?
Yes you can. TLD is a combination that can be used as PEP and for the management of active HIV infection. PEP stands for post exposure prophylaxis. PEP is used to prevent established infection after exposure.
TLD is a first choice recommendation for PEP. The course lasts 28 days following a high risk exposure. It is only used in cases where the exposure was within 72 hours. After this, regardless of what drug is prescribed, PEP will not work.
However, if your partner was using effective HIV treatment (ART) , you will not be at risk. Having an undetectable viral load on ART means HIV is not a risk. Please see:
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
If you have any more questions please ask,
Hi Junior, this is not my personal view. It is based on evidence from research and the 72 hour cut off is included in most PEP guidelines.
Some guidelines actually have an earlier cut-off and say PEP is unlikely to work aunless it is started within 48 hours.
UK guidelines also say that PEP is most effective if started within 24 hours.
Hello sir I want to ask the question why do you say that after 72 hours PEP well not work????
Hi CK, PEP is effective when started within 72 hours of an exposure.
For more information about transmission please see here:
For more information about PEP please see here:
Today I was exposed after condom break at an intercourse and immediately I started using ltd pills I am I safe or what doc
Hi Fer, as you are moving from PEP to PrEP you would be protected from transmission. You do not need to take PEP and PrEP on the same day. You can start PrEP the following day from the last day of PEP.
To confirm your HIV status you will need to test 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP using a 4th generation test. While taking PrEP it is advised to have an HIV test every 3 months.
Hello Josh,
I hope you’re well.
Today is the last day of taking Acryptega as part of my PEP regimen. Tomorrow, I will undergo an HIV test, and if the result is negative, I plan to start taking generic Truvada for PrEP on the same day (prescribed by a specialist doctor).
My question is: If I have unprotected sex tomorrow, would I be protected by any of these medications?
PS: On Monday, February 26th, I took a rapid HIV test, and the result was non-reactive. On that same day, it was also the 28th pill of the PEP regimen.
Hi Cyz, Tenolam can be used as event based PrEP.
Hey. Can tenolam (tenofovor and lamivudine) be used as 2-1-1 or event driven way as prep
I would like to thank you for your prompt responses. Today, I had an appointment with the infectious disease specialist from the FREE PREP program at the only hospital in my area (the capital of Chile, Santiago) that still accepts patients for starting PREP at no cost. This doctor is quite experienced in the field.
I shared with him my PEP episode and mentioned what you told me, and he confirmed that it is indeed accurate. So, congratulations on consistently providing science-based answers.
Thank you very much!
Hi Fer, this is in relation to how on-demand PrEP works. As you are protected from further exposures during the course of PEP, for this to work you need at least 2 days of PEP to continue after your most recent exposure.
This means it is okay to have an exposure on the 26th day of PEP and you are still protected as you have days 27 and 28. If you have an exposure on the 28th (last day of PEP) you will still need to continue for 2 further days.