Q and A


What are the side effects of TLD?

Hi guys, I recently had sex with someone who was HIV positive. The next day I went to the clinic and they gave me PEP. I am currently on TLD but I am experiencing a stuffy nose, dry mouth and sore throat. I have little red spots on my legs, like a rash I don’t know if this are side effects or not. Please help.


Hi, how are you?

TLD is a combination medication. It includes dolutegravir, Lamivudine and tenofovir. As such any side effects are attributed to these medications. Stuffy nose, dry mouth and a sore throat are not a side effect. It is possible to cause a skin reaction and this should be checked by a doctor – the rash on your leg.

The common side effects for dolutegravir include: anxiety, depression, diarrhoea, fatigue, flatulence, stomach discomfort, headache, nausea, skin reactions, sleep disorders, vomiting.

The common side effects for lamivudine include: tummy pain, anaemia, lack of energy, diarrhoea, dizziness, fever, flatulence, headache, insomnia, nausea, low white blood cells, skin reactions, vomiting.

The common side effects for tenofovir include: abdominal pain, anaemia, tiredness, diarrhoea, dizziness, fever, flatulence, headache, insomnia, nausea, low white blood cells, skin reactions, vomiting.

These are the common side effects as listed by the BNF. You should note that while these are all common, they are not common together. It is also common for side effects to only be experienced in the first few weeks of starting medication while your body gets used to it. Common also means that it can be experienced by as few as 1 in 100 people.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bridget, how long have you been taking Acriptega? and when did the headache start?

    A headache is a common side effect associated with Acriptega. As your body adjusts to Acriptega these side effects should go away. Have you tried anything to relieve these headaches in the meantime?

  2. Bridget

    Hi am experiencing a terrible headache since I started taking this acriptega if it is a side effect how long will this take ,and how can I prevent this headache because I don’t think I ll continue with this medicine.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi T, I am sorry to hear that you have been struggling with sleep. TLD is usually recommended to be taken in the morning. This is because if you take it in the even people can experience poor sleep. If you move the time you take TLD to the morning, it should help you avoid these side effects.

    Take your next TLD in the evening and then a second the morning after. From then you can continue taking your medication in the morning.

  4. T

    Hi, I have been taking TLD for the past 2months the side effect are messing with my sleep and my legs are swollen, I been drinking it in the evening…how do I minimise the sideeffect?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nick, I am sorry to hear that you have been having difficulties sleeping. Switching TLD to the morning should help stop this happening.

    As you have been undetectable for so long, missing this second evenings medication to start treatment in the morning will be okay. It will not risk you becoming detectable.

  6. Nicki

    Hello Josh

    Thanks for the reply it dies set me at ease.
    I have been having trouble sleeping for the past few nights since I started on the TLD and gosh it’s not nice at all.

    I missed my dose last night intending to take it this morning but I completely forgot and I am at work now.

    I have been undetectable for about a year now so it should be fine if I miss again tonight and take it in the morning right?

    I’m sure I speak for everyone who visits this site in saying how much we appreciate the time and effort you take in easing our concerns so promptly.
    Bless you all

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nicki, there is no reason to be concerned. Many people are being switched from older combinations (Atroiza) that contain efavirenz to TLD. This is because TLD is a generally much better tolerated drug with fewer side effects. You may notice a difference in your sleep but taking TLD in the morning should prevent this.

    TLD can be used as PEP. This does not mean it is not effective as ART. PEP and ART often use the same drugs because of how they suppress/prevent HIV infection. You’re old combination could be used as PEP, however being on a combination with efavirenz for a short time is not recommended.

    Switching to TLD is not a new trial. It is simply a switch being made as this drug is generally better than the old combination you have been on.

  8. Nicki

    Hi Everyone.

    I started taking TLD yesterday after being on Atroiza for a number of years. I have an undetectable viral load.
    I’ve been reading about people being on TLD as PEP, is this effective as an ART as well?

    Is this a trial that I have not been aware of or made aware of?

    I receive my meds for free from our local clinic so I would not have turned them down if it is or if they told me it was. I am just a bit nervoud about the drug and combination change.

    I have done some research and all come from the same source and I would much rather hear from you as the information online is minimal.

    Thank you so much

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Beth, thanks, different countries use different drugs for PEP. This might depend on how long someone has been pregnant. TLD is more likely to be used after the first three months.

  10. Beth

    Is TLD taken as pep by a pregnant woman??


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