Q and A


What are the side effects of Reydin?

Hi, my doctor gave me Reydin and I was drinking it at night at fist. My gums started bleeding and after that I had trouble concentrating. I also forget very easily. It is like I’m loosing my mind, what could be the problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Reydin is a generic version of TLD. This link is to a previous question about all TLD side effects. Reydin does not cause bleeding gums. Have you mentioned this symptom to a doctor?

How are you sleeping at night? Reydin is often best tolerated when taken during the morning. It can cause problems sleeping. If this is the case it would explain why you are having trouble concentrating.

If you have any further questions do get in touch,



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Miriaam, thanks, it is easy to switch to the morning if this is easier for you. Most people take Reydin (also called TLD) in the morning to reduce any chance it would affect their sleep.

  2. Miriam

    Hi I’m Miriam I’m using Reydin but I didn’t know if its compulsory to take them in the morning I take it at night nothing bothering – but can I change to morning?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Lihle, Ranega and Reydin are two versions of the same medicine. They are just made by different manufacturers (Mylan and Cipla). The ingredients should be the same:

    Taking these meds in the morning usually helps reduce any problems with sleep.

    Please talk to your doctor about any skin problems.

    Occasionally someone can get a different reaction to a new generic but the only way to tell os to go back to using Renega – and sometimes this might help.

  4. Lihle

    Hi i have been on ranega from 2021 n my doctor changed me to raydin 2 months back i have trouble sleeping wt night my face has developed acne which is something i never experienced with ranega now my body is itching the whole night

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Zintle, I am not a doctor but I can help with information. Reydin is a very good and effective HIV treatment and your doctor is giving you good care. A few years ago there was caution about using one of the drugs in Reydin but this is all okat now. It sounds like the leaflet with the meds is out of date.

  6. Zintle

    Hi Dr, I have tested positive recently, my GP prescribed Reydin, I am also 4 months pregnant. I have read some articles regarding the treatment, it says pregnant women should not use Reydin

    So now I am confused, I haven’t started taking it, what should I do my GP knows I am pregnant

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Hlengi, it is great that you are set to be starting Reydin. How are you feeling since testing positive?

    After starting treatment it is expected that viral load will become undetectable within 3 months. For most people this happens in the first month.

    When undetectable there will be no risk of transmission to partners via sex. The viral load will be so low that this will be impossible. After being suppressed it will also allow for your body to naturally recover its CD4 cells.

  8. Hlengi

    Hi doctor. I just got tested as positive. My viral load is at almost 18000 and my CD4 count is 280. I’m set to start Reydin. How long would it take for my load to be undetectable if I take my meds correctly?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kzn, what time in the day are you taking Reydin? and when do these headaches start?

    For how long have you been taking Reydin like this and when did the headaches first start?

  10. Jill

    Im in Kzn I changed to reydin I took it during the day I became tired during the evenings. I experience headaches for little while though , I’m not sure this tiredness will disappear as the time goes on


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