Q and A


What are the side effects of Reydin?

Hi, my doctor gave me Reydin and I was drinking it at night at fist. My gums started bleeding and after that I had trouble concentrating. I also forget very easily. It is like I’m loosing my mind, what could be the problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Reydin is a generic version of TLD. This link is to a previous question about all TLD side effects. Reydin does not cause bleeding gums. Have you mentioned this symptom to a doctor?

How are you sleeping at night? Reydin is often best tolerated when taken during the morning. It can cause problems sleeping. If this is the case it would explain why you are having trouble concentrating.

If you have any further questions do get in touch,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi TM, Reydin should be taken at the same time each day. It is recommended to take it at the same time within an hour each day e.g., if your regular time is 8am it would be okay to take treatment between 7:30am and 8:30am.

  2. TM

    Is it a must to take Reydin at the same time daily or it doesn’t matter as long as you take it everyday as orescribed?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Relebogile, Reydin is safe. How long have you been on your current combination? The combination you have been on previously is an older combination and is more associated with body changes.

    It is good that your doctor has suggested switching. Reydin is a newer combination with fewer side effects and much less likely to have an effect on your body. It is a generic version of TLD. More information can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/14970

  4. Relebogile

    My Dr changed my medication of ARVs that I was taking and put me on Raydin. Is Raydin safe for me? Am afraid it must not change my shape of my body.
    I was taking 2 tablets a day ZOVILAM and ERIGE 600

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Thapelo

    Please see this link that answers your questions about PEP.

    It also includes asking your doctor or clinic about using PrEP.

  6. Thapelo

    Hi. I found out I slept with hiv+ lady after day 3 before 72hrs. Then went to chemist they gave me Reydin and i started taking this. Then I slept with another lady who is hiv- without protection several times while I’m on daily Reydin. So I’m I still safe from exposure?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Lati, great you are on ART and being so careful to take your meds. You can choose which time of the day is best for you, so long as this is in the morning or early afternoon. If the time is too late it can stop you sleeping well.

  8. Lati

    Hi my doctor gave me reydin and just mentioned I should take them daily…. I take them same time at 1pm….does the time I take them really matter?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Luu, Reydin is a generic form of TLD. TLD can be used as PEP or treatment. TLD is a common first line choice for HIV treatment. You have been given the right medication.

  10. Luuu

    Is Reydin PEP or ARV
    Tested positive 3 weeks back and on Reydin so I’m frustrated I don’t know what’s going on


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