Q and A


I finished PEP. Now I have symptoms?

3 days after finishing PEP I am having stomach pain and diarrhoea.


Hi, how are you doing?

Side effects from PEP would present while taking PEP. Now that you have finished taking PEP these symptoms would not be caused by your medication.

It is also too early for this to be a sign of seroconversion. A number of things can cause stomach pain and diarrhoea. PEP and HIV are not likely in this case. If your symptoms continue/worsen it is important you seek medical help.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thato, this does not mean PEP has failed. How long have you been experiencing these symptoms? PEP delays seroconversion and having symptoms so soon after PEP is too early to be caused by HIV.

    Please see here for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  2. Thato

    Hi, I’ve completed my PEP dose 4 days ago but I’m still experiencing skin inches, mild headache,fever and muscle inches. Does that mean PEP failed?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Keenan, have you done a test yet? Please see here for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  4. Keenen

    Hi, I’m negative at 100 days after exposure and 75 days after pep but my knees hurt, got stomach cramps. Sometimes diarrhoea, my body is itchy and I still have a rash. I think pep failed

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ken, so for PEP you were given only dolutegravir? and you have been told to take it with PrEP to complete the regimen for PEP?

    This still means you have been taking some form for treatment since the exposure. Even if it was not the complete regimen, you have been using treatment. You were able to start the full regimen within 72 hours. You can continue your course of PEP as normal. It will still be an effective regimen.

  6. Ken

    Oh what I meant was before the sexual encounter. I took 2-1-1 prep protocol. On the last dose, I took it by 6hrs late. Bcs of this, I rushed to the emergency room, gotten the pep. Then I took pep on the spot without knowing that I have to take with prep, but bcs my last prep dosage from the dolutegravir issuance was about 7 to 8hrs. The first dosage was technically a success I think since the prep was still in my system only corrected by the doctor on the 4th day. So I messed up the 2nd and 3rd dose completely by just taking dolutegravir. So just to clear up things bcs I didn’t explain properly in my previous post.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ken, no these are not suggestive of HIV. You still started with some PEP early and was on a full regimen within 72 hours. This means you took PEP at the right time and it would have been effective.

    The symptoms you are having are too soon after he last dose of PEP to be HIV. PEP delays seroconversion and after 5 days it is too early for HIV to cause this.

  8. Ken

    My context is similar to OP. However, I am having high fever on top of the symptoms he suffered.

    I didn’t take the PEP properly for the first 2 days due to misinformation on dosage. (I took only the dolutegravir) on the first 2nd and 3rd day. First day, bcs my prep dosage was on the same day as the first dolutegravir issued, it counts as a dose I guess?

    I am having stomach upset, pain and fever 3 days after the last pep dosage along with what comes with fever like weakness, abit of dizziness.

    Is it a cause for concern for potential hiv?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi P, no this does not mean PEP has failed. These are common symptoms and as you have been on PEP means they are very unlikely to be caused by HIV.

  10. P

    I’m one week after finishing PEPs course tho I have been experiencing joint pain feeling itchy and now am feeling Sicky what could be issue could have PEPs failed?


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