
Can I stop PEP early?

Hello, I am currently on a 28 day course of PEP. I am curious as to if I can stop early to keep a few pills of each, for if this ever happens again (it was hard and took FOREVER to get this prescription). I was thinking of either stopping at day 21 or day 25. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Leo, how are you doing?

Stopping PEP early might reduce how effective it is at working. As such it would not be recommended to do what you are suggesting, especially at day 21. Stopping at day 26, like as suggested in this post is not likely to cause harm and does have some benefit.

Have you considered PrEP? On-demand dosing does not require daily meds.

This can also stop you needing PEP.

This is a link to using on-demand PrEP.

Please see this link for more information about PrEP:

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Komane, thanks. No-one should have to wait 6 months for the results of their first CD4 count and viral load. I am shocked to hear this. The doctor needs to get these results earlier, and so your partner should also be given them. Even with early access to ART meds, I don’t know why you are not given these results earlier.

  2. Komane

    Thanks Collins for your reply

    She is still trying to accept her status, taking it step at the time and also adhering to her ART medication. Just 6 months is long time for her to get her CD4 count and viral load. She was really looking forward to get her results soon.


  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Kormanem

    Thanks – it is good that your girlfriend is now on treatment.

    How is she doing now.

    You dont need PEP because you used 2:1:1 dosing for PrEP.

    Actually, it sounds like you took more doses than you needed so please talk to your doctor about this so that next time you don’t take so many pills.

  4. Komane

    On the 30 July 2024 I took double dose of Acriptega (TLD) 1 hour 41 minutes before unprotected sex with a girlfriend who is HIV positive. And during the after 6 hours I took a 1 single pill of PEP I took 3 pills in one day, and following I continued with the Acriptega, I take single dose same time everyday at the same time of the first double dose.

    now I’m on day 21 taking PEP after the exposure, I want to ask since I took Acriptega 1h41 minutes before unprotected sex with my HIV 1 positive girlfriend who is not on treatment going to work like On-demand PREP.

    I would appreciate your feedback and information.

    She went to Clinic after a week they also gave her Acriptega and told her that they will give viral load and cd4 results after 6 months. We are in South Africa.


  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Marcaveli, when your partner tested positive did they start treatment?

    If your partner did start treatment, after the initial course of PEP it is likely there would be no further risk to yourself. Treatment can suppress HIV so much that it is impossible to pass on HIV via sex even without a condom.

    There are also other factors that change transmission risk inc. type of sex, other infections, genetics, etc…More information about transmission can be found here:

  6. Marcaveli

    Hi my partner tested positive year ago and this year we went to the doctor together and they advised me to take PEP after testing Negative but I only took the first treatment and I never went back to take another one but I did test since is 3 months now and I stil tested negative.

    So I am asking the aftermath of what I did.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi T, as your partner had tested 2 months ago it is unlikely they are in a window period (unless they have had other partners since).

    This is a low risk exposure and you can consider stopping PEP after speaking with your doctor.

    More information about PEP can be found here:

  8. T

    she tested two months ago and the results were negative too

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi T, how far into your course of PEP are you?

    As you have both tested negative the risk of HIV transmission is low to zero. It is possible that either yourself or your partner is in a ‘window’ period depending on last risky exposure though this is a rare event.

    Any low risk exposure is not a case for using PEP. Before stopping please speak with your prescribing doctor and discuss these test results with them.

  10. T

    Hi , i am on pep but both of our Hiv rapid test results came out negative, should i stop or continue