
Can I stop PEP early?

Hello, I am currently on a 28 day course of PEP. I am curious as to if I can stop early to keep a few pills of each, for if this ever happens again (it was hard and took FOREVER to get this prescription). I was thinking of either stopping at day 21 or day 25. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Leo, how are you doing?

Stopping PEP early might reduce how effective it is at working. As such it would not be recommended to do what you are suggesting, especially at day 21. Stopping at day 26, like as suggested in this post is not likely to cause harm and does have some benefit.

Have you considered PrEP? On-demand dosing does not require daily meds.

This can also stop you needing PEP.

This is a link to using on-demand PrEP.

Please see this link for more information about PrEP:

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Elvis, which meds were in the PEP. There is not usually any problem taking orange juice with PEP or taking it with or without food.

  2. Elvis

    I took orange juice after taking pep medication without knowing that it can reduce the effectiveness, please can I retake it again, I need answers immediately

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Happiness, yes you can continue PEP. Were you already on PEP when the condom broke?

    During the course of PEP, PEP will also work like PrEP meaning you are protected from further exposures. As long as you still have 2 days of PEP remaining you do not need to extend your course. You can finish PEP when originally planned.

    More information about PEP can be found here:

  4. Happiness

    Can I continue pep even if the condom burst or can I restart.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ryan, it is not advised to have sex (at least without a condom) until you can confirm your own status. The earliest you will be able to do this is 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP using a 4th generation test.

    More information about PEP can be found here:

  6. Ryan

    Had a 1 off with a guy, he was weird and told me to get treatment straight after. I’m strongly assuming he has HIV. I started pep 26hrs later. At what point can I start to have unprotected sex with my long term gf? If the pep has worked am I correct in thinking it will have worked by day 21?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Shane, you do not need to complete the course of PEP if it has been confirmed that your ‘exposure’ was from someone who is HIV negative. There is no negative consequence to finishing the course early in this case.

    For more information about PEP please see here:

  8. Shane

    Hi there I’m worried and started PEP , in emergency with in 24 hrs and the source exposure is came up as negative HIV could I discontinue my PEP or once stared I must finish the course?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emm, for more information about PEP please see here:

  10. Emm

    In an attempt to self test a sister who was positive, the pin slightly hurt me on finger but no blood after excerting pressure on the site but I proceeded on pep anyway. Started with a single pill left with me withn an hour, then got more to complete the dose. But I took only 27 of the new drug plus the single one I had, making it 28 all together but one was like sky blue and the other rest were pink. Burning chest and throat since 2 days now. No sore no symptoms. Could it be from the Palm wine I took? Wanted to make sure I took the pink one up to 28 making it 29 all together, but the severity of the peppering won’t allow me in the morning today. Can it work since they’re 2 different types of TLD