
Can I take Acriptega at night?

Hi, I am taking Acriptega pills in the morning. Can I change this and take them at night?


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes you can take Acriptega at night. Sometimes people experience insomnia when taking Acriptega at night which is why it is started in the morning. But if taking your medication in the morning is not suitable, it is safe to do so at night.

To switch you will need to take your morning dose, followed by an evening dose. Continue then taking your medication in the evening. On this first day you may experience more pronounced side effects for the time there is a high level of drug in your body. This should settle soon after.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi lee, your treatment will still be effective at 13h00. The time of the day does not matter if you are not experiencing any side effects. As long as you are taking your treatment at a time that suits you and it is the same time each day, your treatment will be effective.

  2. Lee

    I’m Hiv positive I think since from 2007 gave birth to twins 2012 I don’t have health problem my husband started taking Arv’s 2021 so I just started taking acriptega it’s 3weeks now but I take them at 1pm every day n I don’t have side effect I can’t in the evening cos I’ve got trouble sleeping n in the mornings I’ve got a trouble of forgetting so my Q is would they be effective drinking them at dat time I choose 13h00? or is a must morning or evening?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Abel, I am sorry to hear about your wife. How is she doing? It is great that she is starting treatment so soon. Acriptega will work to suppress the virus in your wife’s body and stop it affecting her health.

    In most people, treatment will cause the viral load to be suppressed within 1 month (or below 200). Sometimes this can take up to 3 months. When your wife does have a viral load this low there will be no risk of transmission. You will not need to use a condom or be on any treatment yourself. This is explained by U=U:

    In the meantime, using a condom will prevent transmission of HIV. Or you can use PrEP. PrEP is a medication similar to Acriptega but is used to prevent rather than treat HIV. As your wife is on treatment, each day her viral load will be less. This means that each day, risk of transmission is reduced even if the condom breaks. There would be no need to seek PEP.

  4. ABEL

    Hi my name is Abel and I have tested HIV twice negative in a space between 6 weeks and my wife has tested Positive first time after along time struggles with high blood, depression and none stopped healing headaches and she’s care of the treatment, but now after she got HIV Test results she takes Acriptega HIV treatment so am I still going to be safe to have sex with her via a condom and what if eccidentaly breaks am I going to be infected as I have been tested negative and not taken any medication?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zodwa, Acriptega is recommended to be taken in the morning. Not at night. This is because in some people it can cause trouble sleeping. Taking Acriptega in the morning means this effect can be avoided.

    What is the name of the blood pressure medication you take? and what is the name of the sleeping tablet you take?

  6. Zodwa

    I have just prescibed Acriptega and I was told to use it at nite. Can I take it with sleeping tablets or take them earlier than that. I also take pills for high blood pressure. I normally take the high blood at 17h00. Is it be possible to change and take my high blood pills in the morning?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nathi, it does not become ineffective. Acriptega will always be as effective each time you use it. Have you considered using PrEP if you have required 2 courses of PEP? PrEP is a pill you can take daily or on-demand to prevent HIV transmission. It has fewer drugs meaning there are less side effects and is more effective than PEP.


  8. Nathi

    This is the second time I have been put on acriptega as pep. As this time the condom broke – does it ever become in effective I took it about six months earlier this year.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sandile, did you use Acriptega as PEP or PrEP? If you used it as PEP you will need to wait 6 weeks before you can test – this will be with a 4th generation test.

    Have you spoken to a doctor about this rash and your sore groin? and have you noticed any other symptoms? Acriptega is a generic form of TLD. The common side effects of TLD are listed here:

    The symptoms you have mentioned are not a sign of seroconversion.

  10. Sandile

    I used acriptega last maonth as prep while eating them i got rash groin pain and mouth sore and sore armpits. I finished it then tasted again results were negative now i feel those pain of rash and groin mouth sore should i be worried


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