I stopped taking ARVs for 3 months?
16 February 2022. Related: Adherence, All topics, CD4 and viral load, HIV transmission.
What happened when I stopped taking ARVs for 3 months?
Hi, how are you doing?
A similar question has been asked before which might be of interest
Why did you stop taking ARVs? This medication is the only medication that can suppress your viral load and help your CD4 count stay within a healthy range. While you were off medication it is likely that your viral load would have rebounded and your CD4 count will have started to decrease.
How are you feeling now? If your CD4 count is falling you might notice that you are suffering from infections more often. It is also important to note that while you are off medication you can pass on HIV to other people if you are not using condoms during sex.
In rare cases it is possible for your HIV to develop drug resistance while you have been off medication. This does mean that restarting might mean the medication does not work as well and a different combination would be needed. However this is rare and should not stop you going back on medication.
If you have any further questions do get in touch,