Q and A


How long will it take for my CD4 count to go back up?

I have recently found out I am HIV positive. I am dealing with it OK. It helps that I have such a supportive family. I went to see my HIV Consultant for the first time about 3 weeks ago she gave me my CD4 count and viral load results.

My CD4 is 77 and viral load is 112,450. She has also said I’ve had it 5-10 years which has worried me. I’ve contacted a few people to tell them to get tested there test have come back clear.

My questions are:

If I have a high viral load isn’t there more chance of me passing it on? (I was the top in all off them)

I was with someone 7 years and their result is negative or so they say!! In all this time is there more chance I would of passed it on to them?

How long will it take for my CD4 count to go back up? I’m not on any drugs at the moment as I’ve been given some tablets to stop me getting infections. (Was given Cotrimoxazole but had to change to Dapsone as I had a reaction)

Is it likely my CD4 would of gone down since the last test? Am I likely to get any OIs (opportunistic infections)?

Sorry for all the questions, but these are what are playing on my mind at the moment.

Thank you in advance


Thank you for your question.

It is good to hear you are managing to deal with your new diagnosis and that you have a supportive family to help you through this difficult time.

The higher the viral load the more likely HIV is transmitted. That is why if your viral load is undetectable the risk of transmission is very low.

If you were having unprotected sex with your partner of 7 years and he is still HIV negative then he has been very lucky.

If you are not on HIV medication yet and your CD4 count is 77 then you should definitely think about starting in the next few weeks. Once you have started HIV treatment your viral load should go down to undetectable levels (less than 50) within 3 months and you should start to see your CD4 count increase. It often takes longer for CD4 counts to increase especially if they are starting off low. But the important thing when on treatment is to suppress the virus to the lowest levels possible.

It is possible that your CD4 count will have gone down slightly since your last appointment but CD4 counts can fluctuate slightly. For further information about CD4 fluctuations please follow this link to a similar question

If your CD4 count is below 200 then you are at risk of getting opportunistic infections.

For information about starting treatment, CD4 counts, viral loads and other important things related to having HIV please follow this link to the i-Base Introduction to Combination Therapy’ guide


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cruz,

    You have made an amazing recovey, and in such a short space of time. You should be proud of yourself. Not only has your CD4 improved greatly, you’re now undetectable.

    If your doctor says its ok to stop the purbac, then listen to their advice. Just make sure that you continue with your meds.

  2. Cruz

    Hello in August 2016 I tested positive my cd4 count was 5 and viral load was 190000 on 9th of January 2017 I went back to do follow up my Cd4 count is now 231 and viral load is 41 is that normal? im on arvs and purbac my Dr said i should stop the purbac and continue with arvs. tell me is it normal and im scared i will get sick again if i stop one of this tablets they are my life lol :)

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Shirly,

    I appreciate that this is a difficult time for you, and that you are feeling scared. Are you able to talk to anyone? Are you getting any support?
    The following information:


    was given to another person with a very low CD4 count. It explains what you need to be aware of. It is though great that you are on meds.

    With regards to how long you will live, no one can answer this. But being on ARVs is the best thing for you.

  4. Shirly

    I was diagnosed with HIV as few months ago , my CD4 is 17 do I have a chance ? Will my CD4 increase? I am now taking antivirals . How long . I’m so scared..

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Boris, what dos your doctor say about the weight loss? Without more details it is difficult to comment. Your doctor should go through potential reasons and will also know in the context of your medical history how common this is. Has your doctor examined your body to see the changes? If not, this is important too. Special dietary advice might also help. More than 5% loss in body weight over six months is serious anough for your doctor to need to find out what is causing this.

  6. Boris

    When I started ARV my weight was 60 but now its 52 and am worried is it possible that my weight will go back

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi AS – please talk to your doctor about starting treatment – especially if you know this is something that you want to do. All guidelines recommend treatment when the CD4 count is lower than 500. Many guidelines recommend treatment for everyone – even at high CD4 counts – by cost issue sometimes mean treatment is prioritised for those with lower CD4 counts first. This guide has lots of info:

  8. A S

    My CD count is 481 Until what count I should take tablets ?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Richard, no problem – there is a feedback link here that always helps when people use this.

  10. Richards
