
Can I assume my symptoms while on PEP are seroconversion?

Hi, I’ve taken PEP due to the fact our condoms broke. I didn’t know the status of the lady. I took the Ranega (TLD) as PEP, after a week after I finished PEP I had flu and sore throat. Now we are in the 4th week and my body is itching and I can start seeing a rash.

Can I assume this is a seroconversion status? I haven’t taken any test yet because I’m waiting for a total of 6 weeks then I can go do a test.


Hi, how are you doing?

No. This is not likely seroconversion. These are too few and too general symptoms to be considered seroconversion.

The flu and the sore throat are common. Regardless of being on PEP it does not stop the flu being common. Do you still have these symptoms?

It is possible that this rash is a side effect of Ranega. Have you spoken to a doctor about this? A rash should be seen by a doctor from when you notice it.

Have you been able to speak to your partner about their status? There are a number of factors other than the use of a condom that can alter the risk of a transmission.

You are right that a test is conclusive after 6 weeks after PEP. But you can take a test at 4 weeks to help with stress. This test will be 95% accurate and the test at 6 weeks will be conclusive. This is a guide about dealing with test anxiety. 

Please see this link for more info on PEP:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Bebiwani, please don’t worry and just continue every day until you finish the course. Info on PEP is here:

  2. Bebiwani

    Hi sire, I missed a dosage of my pep pills by 38 hours since I forgot where I put them, that is a day and a half, but drank them as soon as I got them, I have no symptoms at all ,just that skin dryness feeling on skin while taking pills, am I still safe

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi John, please see this link for info on PEp:

    Your doctor should not have prescribed PEP as it will only cause side effects with no benefit.

  4. John

    Hi, I started using PEP 90 hours after exposure cos that’s when my partner got tested and confirmed positive. Did a test and came negative then my health care provider put me on PEP. I’m on day 23 and I’m having body aches and all that. Is that seroconversion and also I’ve been worried if it’s actually working or not.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Moe, please see this link for info on PEP:

    Rather than getting so anxious about sex why not talk to your doctor about PrEP:

  6. Moe

    Hello, I was using LTD got second exposure on 25day, frightened went to hospital and was given TLD since I lost the remaining 3 pills, was put on another 30 TLD , but on second week I developed mouth sore, numbness on my hands, muscle aches and cramps, fever, chills, night sweats twice,body shivering, sore throat, went to the doctor and they exchanged another TLD , my body became better but headache sore throat hasn’t gone away with dry coughs that pains my chest. Every time am afraid my body shakes

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dinesh, no this is not a sign of HIV. Symptoms of HIV while on PEP would not present until after the course is complete.

    More information about testing can be found here: