Q and A


Has PEP affected my kidneys?

I am on PEP for 25 days now, i’m taking raltegravir and emtricitabine + tenofovir. I’m starting to notice that my urine is foamy in the morning. and i think it is increasing, more now than than after the first week.

I’m really worried it’s affecting my kidney badly. I did kidney blood and urine analysis and they both seem normal but the urine is more and more foamy! is it possible that the PEP medication affect my kidney badly in such duration (25-28 days)?


Hi, how are you doing?

Had you had a kidney function test prior to taking PEP? Tenofovir is known to cause kidney damage however this is commonly in those with an already damaged kidney. It would also not be expected to occur this fast.

As you have already done urinalysis which has appeared normal it would suggest that your kidneys are fine. Though frothy urine can indicate protein which will need medical attention.

Have you done nay further tests and/or spoken to a doctor?



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ravi,

    For information on transmission see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

    For information on PEP see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  2. Ravi

    Hi. I had unprotected oral sex with a sex worker and I had a mouth ulcer. However I did take PEP on 68th Hour of exposure. I have completed 10 days of PEP. My questions are :

    1. What are risk of exposure in above situation?

    2. Do you get HIV symptoms if you are on PEP?

    3. I felt burning in urine on 7th day of PEP and bit burning with heaviness around the bladder area. Is this PEP side effect?

    4. Any PEP side effect relating to ear?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jassi, you can test as from 6 weeks after your last dose of PEP. You will need a 4th generation test. This result will then be conclusive. Before you can test you are unsure of your status. It is advised to either not have sex, or if you do use a condom to prevent any risk of transmission. As you started PEP within 72 hours and took it daily, your risk is low.

  4. Jassi


    I had un protected sex with fsw on 20-01-2023 .around 17:00 pm… i started pep from 23-01-2023 at 14:20 pm (with in 72 hours) …and today on 19-02-2023 i finished my pep for 28 days regulary and acurate time i had taken the tablet {Xapavir-lt which contain TLD (DLT)} i didnt have any more exposers in these 28 days.. only having sex with wife with condoms ….So please give your advice what to do next? and how much chances of getting hiv? and whats the precautions i have to do now as my PEP finish till i get tested and when should i go for test to be more accurate after the test i have again go for test?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sam, there are no long term complications if you are already healthy when starting PEP. Do you know if your partner is HIV positive? and if she is, is she on any treatment? Both of these will affect your risk. This is further explained here: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/risks-for-transmission

    What medication have you been given for PEP? Some combinations will have different side effects to others. The most common form is a generic version of TLD (https://i-base.info/guides/14970). This is a generally well tolerated combination and side effects would not be significant enough to not take a course of PEP.

  6. Sam

    My exposure was the broken condom during the intercourse while she was on her period..
    Yes, the blood touched my gentle, what are my chances to get HIV?
    I started PEP but I am a bit worried about the longer-term impact and side effects.
    I am in two minds, take it and suffer the longer term side effects, which I know nothing about. Or, take the risk and not to continue the course…
    Thank you very much for your help.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Yoni, PEP is more effective than not. In high risk cases it has a good efficacy of preventing transmission. In lower risks, PEP often appears to work better – though this is more likely that the low risk exposure was not an actual exposure to HIV.

    What was your potential exposure?

  8. Yoni

    Hi George, has your PEP worked. I’m 7 days on PEP but very worried about the results after 28 days.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi George, given that both the test and doctor are not indicating that there is a problem it suggests that there is not. This is further supported by you not being on PEP for too long. Kidney damage is most commonly seen after 6 months of use – not in the time it takes to use PEP.

    By turbidity do you mean looking more cloudy? or have you noticed bubbles/froth?

  10. George

    Hello, thanks for the reply.. im the one who posted the question..
    i repeated the test several times.. albumin creatinine ratio always came in the normal range, theres no albumin or protein in the urine.. i contacted the doctor and he said it looks normal and i shouldnt worry, but i cant help but worry as the turbidity in the urine looks new to me since i started the PEP!


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