Q and A


Can I pass on HIV when my viral load is less than 30?

Hi, I think I have transmitted HIV to my partner. He is always complaining about flu but when I first met him my result was 25 copies and my last one was 30 copies. We had unprotected sex first time we met till now, is there by any chance I passed the HIV to him?


Hi, how are you doing?

No. You cannot pass on HIV while your viral load is this low. If your viral load is below 200 – which it is, you cannot pass on HIV via sex. This is explained by U=U.

Has your partner been to a doctor to talk about their ongoing flu? and have they been tested for HIV?



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Amanda, a viral load of 400 is suppressed but it is not undetectable. Are you on treatment?

    It suggests your viral load is being suppressed but your treatment is unable to completely suppress HIV. If you are on treatment, how long have you been on it?

    Even though this result is not undetectable, a viral load this low is still really good and significantly reduces the risk of transmission to to others via sex. It also suggests that the impact HIV is having on your health is minimal. Do you know what your CD4 count is?

  2. Amanda

    Hi what does it mean when your viral is 400 and what danger can they occur

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Benedictor, viral load results can be given in different ways.

    For examples 22 copies/mL can also be given as 1.4 log (10) copies/mL.

    Either way, your viral load is very low and is coundted as being undetectable because it is less than 50 copies/mL.

  4. Benedictor

    My viral load is 22 and my copies are 1.4
    What does that mean?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rose, do you know if your VL has gone more than 100? If it remains below 200 there is no risk to your partner. It is impossible for you to pass on HIV via sex. This is explained by U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    How long has your bf had the flu? Getting the flu is very common and in your case it is much more likely your bf has the flu. You are not a risk for your partner becoming HIV positive while your viral load is suppressed.

  6. Rose

    I am currently experiencing the same issue right now, my VL was once at 100 and then I had sex two months after getting my VL. I’m good with adherence. Have never missed a dose ever, but now also my bf has been getting flu lately and I am worried for him

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Trx, <400 means that your viral load is less than 400. Newer tests give more accurate results. So your earlier testing you could only identify that your viral load was below 400, it could not tell you the exact number.

    Newer testing means they can identify the number, this being 25 and 30. Your result has not changed, the difference is that your test is now more accurate. It is likely you have always had a viral load around 30 since starting ART.

  8. Trx

    Also forget to ask what does <400 copies mean my result used to be like ths since I started my treatment on 2018 up to 2020 they never changed nd they only change last year to 25 copies nd the other one was 30copies


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