Q and A


When can I test after PEP?

I have used Trenvir as PEP. After 7 days of exposure and now at 30 days I tested negative for HIV has worked?


Hi, how are you doing?

While on PEP, HIV tests are not accurate.

A 4th generation test is the most common test used to confirm HIV status. These tests are accurate from 6 weeks after finishing PEP – 10 weeks from initial exposure.

It is a good sign that you have been testing negative, but to confirm you still need to wait.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bbb, after 37 days your test will be 95% accurate. For a conclusive test you will need to tests at 42 days using a 4th generation antigen/antibody test. This will be conclusive.

    As your partner was on ART it is likely that there is no risk to you. ART suppresses viral load and makes HIV transmission impossible.

    For more information about PEP please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  2. Bbb

    I got exposed to hiv on 12th July through sexual intercourse with a hiv positive girl. I started taking pep on the same day. Finished pep on 10th August. After 4 days (14th August), I developed a sore throat and running nose. This resolved after around 4 days. I also developed mild headaches after the sore throat resolved. The mild headaches lasted for a week. Now its 37 days since I completed pep and I am having muscle and joint pains and chills . I went to the hospital today, was given some medication, also tested for hiv(negative). So my question is, is this test conclusive? What are the chances I got the disease? Also, I forgot to mention that the girl was on art drugs, but funny thing I developed gonorrhea after 12 days of exposure and was treated at the hospital.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Keenen, your tests are conclusive. You do not have HIV. Please speak with your doctor about other causes for the pain in your knees and groin.

  4. Keenen

    I’m negative after 85 days after exposure and 8 weeks after pep but I have pain in my knees and my groin. What could be the problem ? What if pep failed and I’m scared

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Raka, your test results are conclusive. You do not have HIV. No further testing is required.

    Please see here for further information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  6. Raka

    Hello josh sir
    I am raka from india
    After taking pep i have tested ag/ab after 80 days of pep test was negative rna pcr qualitative test after 90 days it shows negative i am i safe or i have to test again.
    My stomach sound has gone my body pain has gone
    My cd4 – 950
    Cd 8 – 640
    Please tell me i am safe or not?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Leiter, yes your test is conclusive. The antigen/antibody test is conclusive from 6 weeks after exposure/PEP. A test that only looks for ‘antigen’ is only conclusive after 12 weeks.

  8. Leiter

    Hello there. I’m a bit confused about the window period of the HIV antibody/antigen test. Some say 3 months (and that “most” people if they’re positive test positive at the 6 week mark) while others say 6 weeks. I had an antibody/antigen test 45 days after my last dose of PEP and it was negative. Is this conclusive? Is it a true negative? As part of a medical test, I also tested negative with another ag/ab HIV test at 51 days. Thanks in advance.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Raka, your result remains negative. The actual number is not significant. The importnat value being that it is below 1 to confirm that you are HIV negative.

    For more information please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/what-does-a-number-on-my-negative-hiv-test-result-mean

  10. Raka

    Hello josh sir its my second hiv 1/2 antibody test by cmia method after 70 days of pep and my number is increasing my first test number was 0.12 and my second test number is 0.20 non reactive. Why my numbers are increasing?


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