When can I test after PEP?
23 July 2022. Related: All topics, HIV testing, PEP/PEPSE.
I have used Trenvir as PEP. After 7 days of exposure and now at 30 days I tested negative for HIV has worked?
Hi, how are you doing?
While on PEP, HIV tests are not accurate.
A 4th generation test is the most common test used to confirm HIV status. These tests are accurate from 6 weeks after finishing PEP – 10 weeks from initial exposure.
It is a good sign that you have been testing negative, but to confirm you still need to wait.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Thank you josh, but am i likely gonna be hiv free after pep? I dont plan on any future exposure, and about the test, it’s hard to find a 4th generation test here. The common test is either rapid test or antigen test. When should i take the test then?
Hi Ara, do you have reason to believe that your partner is lying? Being anxious is not uncommon. Please see here for more information:
Im so scared to the point i cant even focus and just wasting days only to read the efficacy of PEP. Is it always negative for someone who took their PEP regularly? Im scared.. i dont wanna have hiv.. tho my partner keep insisting that he doesn’t have it, he dont want to test… help….
Hi Jojo, PEP significantly reduces the risk of HIV transmission. Taking it daily and at the same time is the best way to ensure that it works. Only one test is required after PEP. This can either be a 4th generation test 42 days after the last dose of PEP, or 90 days after using a 3rd generation test. Both of these tests taken at these times will be conclusive. There is no need to test more than this.
Hello, I had a risky exposure at March 29, and this is my second day on PEP (Efavirenz, Lamivudine, Zidovudine). Should i be worry about my test result in the future (if i take the PEP routine and regularly). Also, I have read that there’s a lot of different opinions about when should i test after finishing my PEP. My plan is:
1. Rapid antibody (the next day after exposure for PEP requirements)
2. Rapid antibody (30 days after exposure)(Once i finish my PEP)
3. Antigen p24 (around 6 weeks after exposure/2 weeks after PEP)
4. Rapid or antigen p24 (90 days/3 months after exposure)
Is it okay? Please answer
Hi Jojo, a rapid test can be used from 90 days after exposure. This is because they look for antibodies in the body. Sometimes this can be a slow response by your immune system which is why you need to wait a while before the test is conclusive.
Hi Kb, no you are not still in seroconversion. Your results are conclusive. You do not have HIV. There are a number of reasons why you may be having this continuous sore throat. This should be explored by your doctor for causes other than HIV.
hi i took pep for 28 days following a condom breakage in m-m anal sex in august 2022.
i tested after pep, 3 months and 6 months after pep, these were negative.
but i have a sore throat since the incident and everyday i wake up with enlarged tonsils and pharyngitis.
is it possible im still in seroconversion, therefore get symptoms but dont have enough antibodies for the test to detect it
Hi Suman, I am sorry that I don’t understand your situation and use of PEP. However, an HIV negative test 54 days after the needlestick means that you are HIV negative and you do not have HIV.
I had a needle exposore after 21 hours i had only one pep in 54 days of exposore i tested negative in fourth generation test i am affraid i only had one pep and left it that one capsule pep would effect the windo period of fourth generation test or not ? Do i need to check again ? I tested negative in 54 days