When can I test after PEP?
23 July 2022. Related: All topics, HIV testing, PEP/PEPSE.
I have used Trenvir as PEP. After 7 days of exposure and now at 30 days I tested negative for HIV has worked?
Hi, how are you doing?
While on PEP, HIV tests are not accurate.
A 4th generation test is the most common test used to confirm HIV status. These tests are accurate from 6 weeks after finishing PEP – 10 weeks from initial exposure.
It is a good sign that you have been testing negative, but to confirm you still need to wait.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Hi G, do you know the type fo test you used? If this was a 4th generation determine test your results will be convulsive. Please see here for more information:
Hi am G, I used pep from 24 th December, 2022 after 28 days I tested negative and another test has been conducted today using determiner that is after 107 days from exposure, that is after pep 77days and still the results are negative how reliable are these two results?
Hi Rb, your test is conclusive. You do not have HIV and you do not need to take any further testing.
As your partner had a viral load below 200 there was not risk of transmission. When below 200 HIV cannot be transmitted below 200. A condom is not required. You did not need to be on PEP. More information about this is found here:
For more information about testing and transmission see here:
Plz anyone give a right answer for peace of my mind .
frist of all i would like to tell about my past history .
One day on november 22 2022 i had sex with hiv positive women when viral load of her was less then 20 copies . I had sex with protection but unfortunately my condon broke down but i didn’t know about her status before sex.i asked her about status but she told me she was fine .after sex i saw my condom broke down and sex without condom as long 10 minet .next day one third person told me about her status and i went to clinic for advice . the doctor said to me about her viral load and advice me for pep med.
It was 36 hour late i took one pep tablet but next day i i forget to take pep due to stress .after that i took pep for 28 days countinue .and next day of complete pep i tested hiv antibody test by determine kit which was negative .
I tested several test these are
1 Hiv antibody on baseline test negative
2-Hiv antibody test 1 mounth exposure negative
3-after 45 days hiv antibody including p24 antigin non reactiv clia method
4-after 60 days same test negative
5-After 75 days hiv antibody test negative by determine kit
6after 90 days hiv elisa and determin rapid test negati
7-after 95 day! Hiv combi pt including o group 4 th generation test non reactiv 0.307
8-after 115 days same hiv combi pt non reactive eclia method 0.262
9-Same date hiv quantitative rna pcr not detected
10 After 130 days hiv antibody hcv antibody and hbs antibody negative .
but l have a lot of symptom like night sweat body ache body rash on chest .
plz any one give me correct answer does antibody delay cause if pep fail .
and how many days should i wait for test 6-8-10-12 mounth plz give me answer
thank u admin..
Hi J, do you know the type of test you used? If you used a 4th generation test your results will be conclusive. You do not have HIV. A 3rd generation test requires you to wait 90 days after the last dose of PEP to confirm your status.
Hives are not a sign of seroconversion. Hives are caused by an allergic reaction. Have you changed anything recently in your household/diet that could have caused this? If you are continuing to experience this symptom you should speak with your doctor.
Hi, I am J, I finished my 28″ days pep, test negative at 30, days after pep and 60 after exposure, tested negative again at 45 after pep and 75 days after exposure, But I am developing hive covering a lot parts of my body, could that be hiv syndromes ? I am very worried.
Hi Arbin, a 4th generation test will be conclusive from 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP. This means that the soonest you can test with a 4th gen test and using PEP is 70 days after exposure.
after finish pep 28 days courses i was test 4th generation p24 antibody and antigens test was negative after expose 60 days report was negative
Hi Ara, even not knowing his status it is still more likely that he is HIV negative. This means this is a low risk exposure. As you are taking PEP your risk is further reduced.
I assume he doesnt lying, i assume he just don’t know his status.. He said that our inttercourse is the first after 5 months.. should i be relax?? I don’t know i just feel anxious because i dont wanna get hiv..