
When can I test after PEP?

I have used Trenvir as PEP. After 7 days of exposure and now at 30 days I tested negative for HIV has worked?


Hi, how are you doing?

While on PEP, HIV tests are not accurate.

A 4th generation test is the most common test used to confirm HIV status. These tests are accurate from 6 weeks after finishing PEP – 10 weeks from initial exposure.

It is a good sign that you have been testing negative, but to confirm you still need to wait.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Will, no you do not need to repeat the test. your antibody test you took at 5 months is conclusive. You do not have HIV.

  2. Will


    I took pep 22 hours after real exposure to hiv possitive women.

    Tests I took
    1. Ab/Ag test 4 weeks post pep – negative
    2. Antibody only test (immunocheomatography) 5 months post pep which is 6 months post exposure – negative

    Do I need to repeat test?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Arbin, a 4th generation test will be conclusive from 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP. For more information about testing please see here:

  4. arbin

    hlw sir i take a 4th generation p24 combo test after complete pep last dose 4 weeks and 6 weeks negative that is conclusive?i read that hiv protine (antigen) that can be measured is p24 from 1weeks 8 weeks after expose,does there is small chance of false negative rexult 6 n 8 weeks? i had a sinus and headache around 2 months and red bumbs in my body i m so scared should i test again ? i read that doctors recommended after 3 months and 6 months to confirm rexult ? plz help sir

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Rb, i-Base can’t tell you your status so please do not put us in this position. You have taken a test and for some reason don’t want to believe the results, so please talk to your doctor. We have lots of info online about this, including the FAQ link on this page:

    This explains that in the UK a negative test after eight weeks is conclusive.

    This page might also help:

  6. Rb

    hi joshiiiii
    I tested hiv antibody negative using 3rd generation test today almot 5 mouths after exposure but I’m so worried about my status. what is the right or wrong?
    I follow CDC guidelines and other guideline say take 6 mounths but plz guive me a right decision for my life.

    i had sex with HIV positive women 5 mount ago. i still am hiv negative but i had a lot of symptoms.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Emmanuel, thanks – please see this link for details of when to test.

  8. Emmanuel

    Hi Dr i tested negative with insti hiv test after 5 weeks from the last dose of PEP can I consider the test conclusive

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Airbin, a 4th generation test is conclusive from 42 days after the last dose of PEP. No further testing would be required.

  10. arbin

    what are the accuracy 4th generation p24 test after finish 28 day courses pep last dose then 42 day test was negative that is conclusive