When can I test after PEP?
23 July 2022. Related: All topics, HIV testing, PEP/PEPSE.
I have used Trenvir as PEP. After 7 days of exposure and now at 30 days I tested negative for HIV has worked?
Hi, how are you doing?
While on PEP, HIV tests are not accurate.
A 4th generation test is the most common test used to confirm HIV status. These tests are accurate from 6 weeks after finishing PEP – 10 weeks from initial exposure.
It is a good sign that you have been testing negative, but to confirm you still need to wait.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Hi Sumit, a 4th generation test will be conclusive from 6 weeks. A 3rd generation test will be conclusive from 12 weeks.
From what you have described, you did not have a high risk exposure. As the condom was used during sex it is likely there was no exposure. Especially as this sex worker had told you they are HIV negative.
Please see here for more information about testing:
Hi Josh.
Can 8.2 weeks negative post pep have still some chances to came positive. I had protected sex with no condoms broke or leakage but I had a fear of catching virus while removing condom from penis because I was drunk on that time and she was sex worker she told that she haven’t any disease but my mind not ready to accept it. After 15 hours because of fear I started to google the symptoms then I found only one lymph nodes on my neck like after 15 hours from exposure.then I take pep within 24 hours and t had completed it full course. I have sore throat from 2″ 3 days of exposure is that the symptoms of hiv. Is my negative report are not enough to have some relief because I am dying form this anxiety.
Hi George, changing the type of PEP will not have changed how effective PEP is. As you have continued with a tablet each day since exposure, this is why PEP remains effective.
Hello, l had an exposure which was positive and started truvada alone within 15 hours, after 2 tablets of truvada I was again changed to tld. I have not missed a dose however i have a sore throat and mucus in my mouth going into the fourth week. Could changing the type of pep have affected my pep. As these signs are worrying me.
Hi Summit, a 3rd generation test is conclusive from 90 days (12 weeks) after the last dose of PEP. Before this testing negative is not conclusive of your status but it is encouraging.
What you have explained is not a risk of transmission. For more information please see here:
Hello sir
My 38 and 57 days 3rd generation antibodies rapid test after completing the last dose of pep(12.2 weeks post exposure) are negative. How much accurate this. Is it possible to turn positive in 6 months later. I am anxious. Today I accidentally touch my family members small bleeding wound by my hand I am sure there was no seen blood blood but I am on doubt I have pimples on my face may be I poop my pimples with nail then after some times touch the wound (repeat there is not fresh visible blood on my finger) is there any risk of transmission?
Hi Kevin, yes your results are conclusive. You do not need to do any further tests. You are HIV negative.
Hi Josh
I got expoused on 1 December 2022 then I took my pep pills on the 6th of December wel I gues I was already late I tested after finishing my meds 28 days after. Than I again tested using rapid testing kit negetive by 25 of April 2023 which was 120 days after my last dose so is my results conclusive?
Hi Vee, it is good that you had a second test. An at home test is only reliable for a short time window. Usually this is 15-30 minutes after the test. Looking at the test after this may give false results.
The second test you did is conclusive. 90 days after PEP using an antibody test will give an accurate result. You are HIV negative.
Hi there, Vee here I tested hiv positive using antibody at home 79 days, at first the result read negative but later after an hour I saw 2 lines. 102 days I then repeated the test antibody local clinic which came back negative so my question is, which one to rely on? Is the antibody test conclusive at 90 days after pep?