When can I test after PEP?
23 July 2022. Related: All topics, HIV testing, PEP/PEPSE.
I have used Trenvir as PEP. After 7 days of exposure and now at 30 days I tested negative for HIV has worked?
Hi, how are you doing?
While on PEP, HIV tests are not accurate.
A 4th generation test is the most common test used to confirm HIV status. These tests are accurate from 6 weeks after finishing PEP – 10 weeks from initial exposure.
It is a good sign that you have been testing negative, but to confirm you still need to wait.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Hi Papai, I don’t think you would have been given PEP in the UK as it sounds like you did not have a significant risk for HIV.
Please see info on oral sex here:
Please see info on PEP here:
I have done oral sex on 23 rd sept 2022 then started pep with in 72 hours and completed 28 days course then 4 th generation test done on 8th nov 2022 which is negative another 4th generation test done on 24 th December 2022 which is also conclusive the result.
Hi Zeno, the lab test you have scheduled will be conclusive if it is a 4th generation test. These tests look for antigen and antibodies. This is why they can give reliable results earlier on after PEP. A self-test after 5 weeks is not going to give an accurate result. Most at home self tests are 3rd generation and these only look for antibodies. For these to be accurate you will need to wait 12 weeks after the last dose of PEP.
Hi Josh,
Thanks for answering all the questions.
I had possible exposures 10 respectively 9 weeks ago. I started PEP six hours after the second exposure.
I figured if I got infected at the first exposure (which was giving a blowjob to a unknown) PEP would not have helped but might have influenced virus spread and antibody response.
Would a self test now (=5 weeks after finishing PEP) bear reliable results?
Will a laboratory test (scheduled in two weeks = 7 weeks after finishing PEP) be conclusive?
Hi Alfred, testing negative after 3 months is conclusive. You do not have HIV. Please follow this link for more information:
I tested negative after being exposed 3months ago i took pep 84hours,,,,and iam negative iam worried?
Hi Emmanuel, your test is conclusive. You do not need any further testing. You are HIV negative. Please follow this link for more information:
3 months hiv test after pep and 4 months of exposure test nagative is it ok, or pep would have suppress the hiv. Am worried .
Hi Tina, PEP is only effective if taken within 72 hours of the exposure. Taking it a month later would have no effect. After 12 weeks the result is conclusive. They do not have HIV. No further tests are required.
Hey someone was exposed one month before he started taking pep
And this is 3weeks after pep and the result came out negative
Is the result conclusive
Now its 12weeks after the exposure and its negative is he safe.